"What was that about?"

"Boring company stuff you wouldn't care about." he said, coming up behind me and kissing my neck, leading to my mark.

Lately, we had been touching and kissing more often, I didn't know why, but I guess the twins had brought us closer, more then ever before.


"Anyway, get dressed, we're going to the mall." he said.

"The mall, that's down playing things a lot." I said.

"I know, but after what happened last time, I figured we would do something a little different." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Sounds good to me." I said.

I walked upstairs to our room to get dressed, and picked out a white lacey top, and my blue jeans which a paired with my comfiest boots. We were going to do a lot of walking so I had to be prepared.

I hint of mascara, and a swipe of lip balm was all I needed, and with that I was ready.

I walked downstairs to find Aiden waiting for me. He had on a dark blue button down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki pants which he matched with loafers. Damn did my man look hot.

"You look gorgeous." he breathed out, when he saw me walking down the spiral staircase.

"Thank you." I said, leaning in to him as he kissed my forehead.

I took his hand to the nursery, and we made our way to the twins room were Katherine was, holding both Hayden and Kayden.

I took Hayden from her and kissed his soft forehead. "Bye honey, mommy and daddy will be back soon."

Kayden was in the arms of his father, who was murmuring his own goodbye. We switched babies, and did the same goodbye.

I had given Katherine directions on everything, even though I knew she could do everything much better then I ever had.

It was the first time that I was leaving my kids alone, and it was damn hard.

Before I had a chance to say anything else, Aiden had pulled me out of the room, marching towards the door.

"Hey, I still had something to tell your mom!"

"I know, but you were taking forever."

I huffed at his answer, but slid in to the front seat of his car, the door closing after me.

We drove to the mall in silence, only the sound of classical music drifting though the expensive speakers. His hand found mine, and he raised it to his lips, kissing the smooth skin there.

I internally melted, he was such a gentleman, his striking blue eyes stared in to mine.

We finally arrived at the mall, and got out of the car, Aiden holding my hand. We made our way through the crowded parking lot to the front entrance.

Shops lined a huge pathway, which was more like a street. It was absolutely huge. We really didn't need to buy anything, so I had no idea what Aiden was thinking.

I guess he wanted to be normal for a while, I mean it's not like every person you meet is on the cover of every damn magazine. But his mission didn't last as much as he wanted because a pair of girls, not even the age of fifteen approached us asking for autographs and pictures.

I glanced at Aiden, who didn't seem at all bothered at the interuption, and signed the girls shirts and took selfies with them, which I avoided.

They asked Aiden a few questions about our kids, and blissfully sighed at the pictures of them that I pulled up on my phone.

Our Beautiful Mistake (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now