Chapter 2

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Picture of Zac Efron on the side --> He plays Aaron Adams, the main male character in my story. Enjoy!

Daphne Blair's POV

Geez did this school have to be so freakin' big? The good thing was that I had already memorized half of my first day's schedule so I didn't bother to see the timetable I took from the kind woman in the administration's office. I think her name's Debbie. She was a sweet looking lady in her late fifties.

I finally found my class. I thankfully arrived on time. Searching for some place to sit, I quickly made my way to the back of the class and sat down.

Ms. Blake, our history teacher looked kind of lenient. She asked me to introduce myself. Gosh I hate it when people stare at me. It makes me feel uncomfortable and insecure on the inside. Anyways I had to, so I got up and give a quick intro about myself

"Hey everybody! My name is Daphne Blair. I just moved here from Ambrooke because of my mother's job. And I'm an only child." Thankfully Ms. Blake didn't push me to say anymore. All of my class went pretty much the same with me introducing myself and feeling kind of awkward. Ok maybe a lot.

The period that we had before lunch was free so thankfully I was saved from the probable humiliation I would've faced from introducing myself and looking like an idiot infront of people. 

When I entered the class there were some familiar faces I'd seen from the previous classes I'd been in. But many were unfamiliar. 

I sat next to a pretty black haired girl with stormy grey eyes that reminded me of a thunderstorm. She smiled at me when I sat down. What the heck? Why was she smiling at me when she didn't even know me? I wasn't used to such gestures because I used to get bullied a lot in my old school. Maybe this school wasn't as stereotypical as I thought it'd be.

"Hey there. You must be new here. My name is Cordilia Florence. Welcome to Ashton high! What's your name?" she asked me.

"Hi Cordilia. My name is Daphne Blair. I moved here from old town Ambrooke." I said with a blank face.

"Oh hey Daphne! So why'd you decide to move here?"

There. There's that question again. Why do people always have to ask me that?

Because you're new here silly. Of course people will ask you why you moved here.

Stupid inner voice. Sometime I wish what it said weren't true. I just don't want to think about why I really moved here. The truth was just too awful. I internally shuddered.

So instead of telling her the truth I told her what I told everyone else. "I shifted here because of my mother's job. She's a nurse so her job sometimes requires her to move or shift to some other place."

"Oh. So how do you like Ashville so far?"

"I don't know, it's kinda nice I guess. The weather here sure is more pleasant than in Ambrooke."

"You don't talk much do you?" She asked me.

"Nope, I don't. There isn't much to talk about anyways." I said keeping a straight face. Even though she seems nice and open, I don't warm up to people very quickly. It's just not in my nature. And i have to make sure to lock the walls around me and keep it well gaurded. After the incident with them, I became this closed up person I am now.

"Well, let's see if I can change that" She said in a joking manner. Ha, I doubt it.

We did some more small talk until the bell rang for lunch. . I never thought I'd make a friend this fast. Maybe my luck's changing for the better.

"Hey you wanna sit with me for lunch?" she asked me.

"No, it's ok. I don't wanna cause you any trouble."

"Daphne Blair, you are going to sit me us and that's final. Everybody's gonna love you."

I sighed inwardly. "Fine, if u really want me to, I'll come."

When we were walking the corridors of the school heading towards the cafeteria, I noticed that people were giving me strange looks. I shrugged it off, thinking they were probably checking me out because I'm new here.

We entered the cafeteria, and I took some macaroni and cheese from today's menu. We headed towards wherever she sits with her friends.

 She was going towards the middle of the cafeteria. Strange, don't the popular cliques usually sit in the middle? I just followed her blindly. Yup we were gonna sit there. Oh shit. Someone help me now. I don't want more attention towards myself than I already do. Groaning inwardly, I made my way towards the table.

Aaron Adam's POV

My classes went on as they usually would, and I didn't see a sign of that pretty brunette I bumped into. She was naturally pretty with brown silky hair, and chocolate brown eyes. And being the gentleman I was, I made her pick her books by herself. What I didn't expect was for her to retort back at me. She even had the nerve to smirk at me.

In her hurry to vanish from the face of the earth, she left her timetable behind. So I was waiting for her to come and ask me for it, but surprisingly she didn't. I just kept it with me to return it to her if I saw her.

Finally the bell rang signaling that it was lunch. I was famished. I quickly made my way to the cafeteria where I was joined by all of my friends. I didn't exactly see Cordilia though. I shrugged it off, knowing that she would come soon. What I didn't expect was for the brunette to be tagging alongside her.

Cordilia introduced her to us. "Hey guys. This is Daphne Blair. She just moved here from Ambrooke."

"Hey everybody." She said keeping her face nuetral. Wow what decided to climb up her ass? She seems so... blank and emotionless. I eyed her once again. She was more towards the petite side and naturally pretty. If only she'd laugh abit more or even smile, she'd be even gorgeous.


Hello again! I hope you liked this chap. Pwease dwo vote and comment! ;) 


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