Allies with the enemy - chapter 2

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Chapter two

 (Comet Sapphire Daniels)

Ah I’m so bored there nothing to do today! Where is Kaela and what is that smell? It’s like, raw blood that hasn’t have seemed to have dried. I jump off my bed and walk around my room.

I love this room, its painted black, the wall that the top of my bed is touching is filled with pictures of me and my friends, and the only human in it is Kaela the rest is my werewolf friends I don’t hang with at school cause I’m with Kaela. So my room is pretty much black besides the sketch style white stars on the walls and ceiling. The only thing in here beside my bed is my closet and dresser. My closet just holds sweaters, coat’s, bathing suits and the almost never worn dresses, even if I have dozens of dresses. And my dark blue dresser that has stuff like, life, love, bright, smart and so on in white written all over it and stuff like, death, hate, dark dumb and so on in black. So that’s it.

Knock, knock

Finally! It's my best friend Kaela. I spring of the bed and in a second (I mean literally since I’ve been a werewolf my whole life I’m fast) I’m at the door. I slow at the door and open it to see Kaela standing there with a bunch of sleep over stuff.

“Man, you need to shower girl!” we said at the same time. She smelled really bad, like, raw bloody meat, left out in the sun.

“Props” she says holding her fist out, we always do props it's like our thing. So I put my fist out to props but at last second slide it under with my two fingers out in a peace sign making it look like my fingers are the eyes to a snail and her fist is a shell.

“Snail!” we both yell at the same time making as bust in to a fit of laughter.

“Can I stay here tonight?”

“Ok, but be warned, it gonna be a party till you drop tonight,” I stated.

“Oh, fine!” she says rolling her eyes jokingly.


So three hours of me dancing all my energy away tired me down a lot, but never as much as a good run would.

“Going to sleep finally?” Kaela asked emotionlessly not lifting her head or turning around to face me.

“Yuppers” I say with a yawn. “Now scoot your booty over before I kick it over” I say jokingly. She mumbled something under her breath as she wiggled over to the other side of the bed. I slowly lifted the cover not even having my butt on before some dude crashes through the door.

“What the hell are you doing here Cam? No, how did you get in here?” yells Kaela. I stare wide eyed at the guy apparently named Cam that somehow got into my house.

“Through the bathroom window” he said not taking his eyes off me. It was really creepy but even with the guy that broke into my house and is now giving me death stares I couldn’t help but say…

“He’s climbing in your window snatching you people up trying to-” I started but was cut off by the weird stare Kaela gave me.

“What’s wrong with you!” she said in distress but I could tell she was thinking ‘ha ha that’s so funny perfect timing to’ but I even knew this was not the right time considering it smells horrible and someone broke in my house.

“Well, this stupid mutt needs to be put down” he said clenching his hands in fists. I could tell he was angry his jaw was clenched so tight it was turning white at his jaw line. Unlike Kaela I understood what he meant by  ‘this stupid mutt needs to be put down’ it means I’m stupid, he called me a mutt because I’m a wolf and put down he’s going to kill me. I would have shifted but I have never shifted before, I still love to run and but I haven’t shifted.

“Please I- I didn’t d-do any-” I said backing away but before I could finish he had me pinned by the neck to the wall.

“Don’t lie to me” he said tightening his grip on my neck. I couldn’t breathe now, so I started trying to peel off his fingers but had no luck. I knew Kaela’s fine with death and all don’t know how but – ooh I’m getting dizzy- she would never want to see her friend from birth like this so I gave her a look saying turn around and she did so but not before a tear fell down her cheek.

“pl- se I-I haven’t even shif-ed yet” I tried to get out letting my hands fall loose in defeat. I closed my eyes trying to make time pass. Suddenly the door crashed open it sounded so far yet so close. The numbness in my neck turned into the prickly feeling you get when you’re foots asleep, as I felt cams hand yanked away from my neck. My legs were jell-o and I fell to the floor coughing. Kaela whipped around whipping her face off and patting my back.

“What are you doing in my house!!” I hear my dad shout.

“Don’t lie she was going to try to kill Kaela when she was sleeping!” he turned to me as I had just about finished my fit of coughs. “But here the thing, you stupid enough to think that a vampire sleeps she would have gotten up and broke your neck!” he laughed.

“Vampire dang I thought I was a freak wait! What other un-human thing are there?” I ask raspily 

“Shut up!” Cam spat at me.

Suddenly I hear a ripping noise and in my dad’s place stand’s a big dark brown wolf. I’ve seen my dad’s wolf before but never like this even when he’s hunting his eye’s never turn that dark brown there almost seem black.

I found myself backing up in fear.

“Dad you don’t need to, I-I’m fine really just let him go I’m fine” I said raspy again. Cam’s head snapped my way making my jump but he looked confused by- by me saying that? My dad growled almost too low to hear. “Dad! Go please nothing will happen I’m fine he won’t come back I swear it” I said now getting up and pulling him back by the scruff but with shove I fell on the floor getting the wind knocked out of me.

“Kaela leave” cam said demandingly but it was as nice and gentle as if he was asking.

 “I can’t I’ll fight by your side no matter what even if it’s against Mr. Daniels” she said fiercely. *

“No! Kaela, I said leave!” he ordered, I stood staring. How did Kaela know Cam?  Why was he so protective of her? And why on earth was she unwilling to leave his side?



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