I'm screaming? What?

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Dr. Oswald and Grace were secretly partners and help each other kill Fran Bow's parents. Obviously Dr. Oswald wanted them dead to get to Fran, to use her brain, like he did with those other children. That's why Fran is mad at Aunt Grace because she killed her parents and said that Mr. Kitty or Mr. Midnight did it to cover her tracks and that's basically the whole synopsis of that part. So out of anger, Fran tried to kill Grace. Obviously that didn't work because Dr. Oswald came in and shot Fran. Now as Fran was dying she was imagining what was happening that's when her her three friends came. Itward, Palontras, and Mr. Kitty or Mr. Midnight whatever you want to call him. So that's what she imagined, Itward sending and Grace and Dr. Oswald off the face of this reality she is in. When Palontras came that was her death. She wanted Mr. Kitty, Itward, Dr. Deern, and Palontras all to go to Ethursta, which in hindsight it would be their heaven. This is also the reason why she couldn't take the doctor with her because she was dead as he was supposed to have no memory of her. Itward, Mr. Kitty, and Fran are dead. Obviously because Itward crashed, Fran got shot, Mr. Midnight died. Palontras is taking them to heaven with the pink water so they can't get hurt. Dr. Deern, isn't dead and is working at Oswald Asylum. Aunt Grace and Oswald are both dead. Aunt Grace died from the grief of killing her (brother/sister whichever she was related to) and the death of Fran. Oswald died of old age in prison. (Why prison? Look ⇩⇩⇩⇩)

After all that had happened Dr. Deern was so upset about the deaths of many children that he told the police about the twins( including all of the downstairs subjects and the rest of god know what). Oswald was sentenced to 50 years in prison ( the end of his lifetime) for numerous amounts of murder. Dr. Deern got his job back and Oswald Asylm was renamed Deern Hospital (as Dr. Deern felt it wrong for calling it a mental institute in after seeing all the children who were mostly sane and were just screwed up in the head with the medications and tests. )

Now Duotine. Duotine are the "keys" that Mother Makuba told Fran about. Fran held the pills and kept using them, therefore, she was the "keykeeper." Now how can we be so sure about this? Take it back to Dr. Deern in the electric chair thing. To wake him up you needed that red liquid in that vial, correct. I assume (since red pills, red liquid) that was liquid Duotine with the right amounts of what Fran's dose was. That's why Dr. Deern could see Fran, because of the Duotine. This shows us that the keys to the realms are the Duotine, liquefied or not.

Now Mr. Kitty (midnight) comes back after being dropped? Well, that isn't the actual Mr. Midnight. The cat has been dead. Why I say has been is that the that was buried along with the parents was Mr. Midnight. The one with Fran before the 5th realm was his ghost leading her to the end. The Mr. Midnight in the cage was a plain old regular cat they had killed.

Itward? Well....you see he didn't die but Fran had though he did because of the crash. He may be dead in Frans eyes but he didn't die for other children. Yet, Itward loved Fran so faked his death and now stays with Fran.

Palonras is alive no matter what.

My Final Theory To Fran BowWhere stories live. Discover now