Free Style

112 20 133

For starters, no one won:
I wasn't even on that video on the first place 😂

Jo: "Hey Becs!"
Becs: "What?"
Jo: "Free style in 3... 2... 1..."
"Hey its Becs Grey,
And I got something to say,
Wanna know about me?
Go ahead, take a seat:
I'm a daughter of Mars,
Always drivin' nice cars,
But that's from my mortal side,
You can still take a ride 😉,
I don't min'. (Abbreviation of "mind")
If you still don' believe me,
You can check my DNA,
You'll see I'm a demigoddess, okay?
Now I really have to leave,
'Cause I'm gonna kill my brother,
Since he's bein' a fucking bother"

Bec's Book of Art Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now