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Here are 20 facts about me.
Thanks for tagging me xXHoly_SchistXx *note le sarcasm*
Here we go...
1) My real name is Rebecca
2) My lastname means "vital"
3) Born in southern Italy (the "heel" to be more specific)
4) My dad is Italian (like the undersigned. Thought he's from northern Italy)
4) My mom is Cuban
5) My favorite TV show is Bones
6) I cry everytime I watch Corpse Bride
7) My favorite Marvel super heroine is She Hulk
8) My favorite DC hero us The Flash
9) I draw (painfully obvious since I'm writing this in an art book... 😑)
10) I moved to 3 different school in 2 different continents in only one year 😔
11) I call my cousin Brendan "Teal Eyes" (its an inside joke, PM me to know mire about it)
12) I'm in love with light eyes (green, blue, grey, etc.)
13) I speak for languages: Italian, Spanish, English, and French
14) From time to time I say these intelligent things no one my age barely understands
15) I'm 13
16) I listen to mainly rock music
17) I'm obsessed with Centuries by Fall Out Boy and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
18) One of my best friends is Professional_Writer
19) I have many nicknames because of my hair. Examples: Ebony lockes, lickerish cloud, black sheep, back cat, and more shiz
20) Some of my quotes that I say a lot are "Yeah... sure... whatever..." and "Does it look like I give a crap?!"

I guess that's all...
I tag these unfortunate souls to do this challenge:

Ya I know there are supposed to be 20 tags, but does it look like I give a crap?! (See what I did there? 😏)

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