Reunited (Harry Styles Fanfic)

Start from the beginning

I woke up to the sun peeping through the pale blue curtains. I could see the little dust specs dancing in the air. I looked around taking in where I was but my brain couldn’t register whose room I was in.

I jumped off the top of the bunk bed and then it hit me like a truck. The awful events of last night. Hot, tears started making their way down my cheeks. I sat down on a wooden, white chair as I remembered that I would never see my parents again.

I heard little snores coming from the bunk bed. Reality hit me. It was just me and my brother now in the big world. I walked over to him with my feet making little noises on the floor.

He looked like an angel sleeping. I sure hope he isn’t dead. I shook him slightly and he started to stir. Once he had fully woke up I looked over to the clock and it was 7:32. I picked him up and placed him onto my hip. We were still wearing the same clothes as last night. The clothes we were wearing when we were happy in the car. The clothes we were wearing when we were watching the car burn. Who knew that clothes could hold so many memories?

I opened the door and put Harvie down. He was getting quite heavy. I thought that considering we have half an hour and we were already dressed we could go and wonder around to see what this place has.

I grabbed Harvies hand and we started walking, trying not to make much noise. There were many doors leading off the hall we were walking down, all full of stickers and pictures with some various names thrown in. last night I didn’t notice any of this but I suppose I was just too upset to take any notice.

We got to the end of the hall and came face to face with a little girl who had blonde hair in pigtails. She didn’t seem real though. Like she was a ghost or a character my mind had made up. She walked past us not making any notice of us at all.

I grabbed Harvies hand again not realising that I had let go and we made our way down the stairs. Each step cracked even though it was carpeted. It was weird really. Once we reached the bottom we took a left and found ourselves in what looked like a lounge room. It had sofas a TV and a computer. There were also some books on shelves and a coffee table. I decided to put the TV on for Harvie and I would go and check my twitter account.

I switched the red on button and SpongeBob came on blasting through the speakers. Harvie started laughing and I found myself chuckling at some of the parts. I sat myself down at one of the spinney chairs. They were very comfy. I looked for the on button. I pushed it and heard a familiar click and felt the computer start to set up.

I looked around the area by the computer to find a lot of sticky notes and chewed pencils. The screen flashed up and a picture of what looked like the care workers and children on a windy beach. It defiantly wasn’t abroad as the cloud was grey and they were all wearing jumpers and coats.

I clicked onto the internet icon and waited for it to load. I looked over to check on my brother and another little boy was sitting there in his pyjamas laughing at the screen with Harvie. He was wearing a buzz light-year pyjama suit with slippers and he had brown hair that was in a buzz cut. Something was telling me that he must like buzz light-year or space rangers or something like that.

A smile crept on my lips as I turned back to the computer screen. I typed twitter in the tool bar and it came up instantly. I typed my username and password and the home screen popped up. I was scrolling through tweets and reading some of them from celebrity’s when one in particular caught my eye.

It read “Lottie if your alive please reply to this!!!” the tweet was from my best friend Georgia. I instantly replied saying I was alright and telling her that I have no clue where I am though. As I pressed send my eyes went blurry. This was the first time I had cried since last night and I doubt it will be the last.

I miss my parents and realising I will never see them again breaks my heart. I also missed my friends and I have no idea when I will see them again.

I kept scrolling through my newsfeed, seeing random tweets from Union J and people from school when i heard a bang at the door. 

I looked through the door to see multiple pairs of eyes looking through it. “Come in, don’t be afraid” I shouted to them but they just hurried away. The next thing I knew was that a girl about my age, face was caked in makeup, walked through the door with a smile on her face. But it wasn’t a friendly smile; it was more evil than anything.

First she walked up to the boys and turned the TV off. After she walked up to me and pushed my off the chair. I landed on the floor with a thump and tears were threatening to spill over.

“Look here” she snarled to me “I don’t know who you are but just get yourself inline and do what I say!”

I just looked at her blankly and then looked around the room to see there were quite a few boys and girls watching.  I looked at her blankly once again.

“No” I replied as I got up. “I will do what I want; you’re not the boss of me. It’s my own life and I will do what I want in it.”

“No one talks to me that way” she replied angrily.

“Well obviously someone should, all you are is a no good bitch who thinks she can control other people’s lives. Well guess what you’re not. I saw how frightened those kids looked at the door so you must have done something bad for them to be scared like that!” I said while walking over to Harvie and his new friend.

I picked Harvie up and took hold of his friends hand and walked out of the door with various other kids following me. I looked over my shoulder to see her standing there with her mouth wide open. She obviously was telling the truth when she said no one talks to her like that.  

We kept walking until we came to the dining area. Oh I wonder what events breakfast will hold…


That was the first chapter. I know One Direction are not really in it yet but they get introduced in either chapter 3 or 4. By the way they are not famous in this book. 

Hope you like it so far


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