Chapter ② All I Want For Chrismas Is You

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After some time, you followed Osomatsu back to the living room. Your mind kept swirling back to the kiss you both shared moments ago. Apparently, you were the only one surprised, as Osomatsu seemed to be the polar opposite. He didn't appear bothered by it at all as he reached for the sack.

"(Name)-chan.~ I brought you a present!" He called to you.

"R-Really? You didn't have to do that for me." Your shoulders slumped, feeling guilty that you didn't get him anything.

He handed the gift to you anyways, watching as you undid the bow and tore off the wrapping present. Inside, there was a small, black box. Opening it, you were surprised to find a locket held by a silver chain.

"Wow! This is beautiful, Osomatsu! Thank you so much." You gushed, taking out the gift.

"You're welcome, (Name). Here, let me help you put it on." He offered.

In an instant, his hands snaked around to place the locket onto you. His breath was hot on the back of your neck, which you could have sworn he was doing on purpose.

"H-Hey, cut that out! It tickles." You scolded playfully, pushing him away.

He merely laughed, pecking at your collarbone.

"I'm sorry that I didn't get you anything, Osomatsu." You looked away sadly.

"That's fine, you could just be my present instead.~" He took a bow from his sack and placed it above your chest.

His hands slipped around your waist as he undid the bow very slowly. He kept you distracted by leaving trails of kisses on your neck.

The simulation was soon becoming unbearable as you shook slightly, your cheeks dusted with heat. Before you could even make a sound, he pulled away again, leaving you feeling empty.

You pouted as you were standing, only left to finger the locket around your neck. A breath of silence sprouted between you both, as he didn't speak.

"I-I'll be right back." You turned to him, beginning to walk away.

He nodded, saying nothing. It was the quietest you've ever seen him. You made your way to your room, staring at the floor. You were angry that you were so nervous around him.

'I wish he knew how much I cared about him.' You thought hopelessly.

You flopped on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. A moment later, you heard your door close. Whirling to sit up, you faced Osomatsu who was standing at the door.

"W-What are you doing here?" You squeaked.

"You were gone so long and besides, you never told me to stay put." His eyes gleamed.

"That was kinda the whole point of me leaving . . ." You muttered.

He ignored you as he took of his hat. Walking over to you, he planted his hands on either side of you.

"It seems someone has made the naughty list this year.~" He whispered in your right ear.

You shut your eyes as he enveloped you into another kiss.

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