"He won't." Axel said confidently, and I pursed my lips. 

The woman's eyes finally landed on me. " I'm Eleanor. Oh, dear you didn't tell me you had such a pretty girlfriend." Axel went red, looking at me, and then her. "We're not, like no we're-"

She held up her hand. "Time, my dear boy, give it time." Then he went bright red, tossing her an incredulous look. "Well who's suppose to embarrass you if not for me?" 

A moment of silence passes before she speaks again. 

"So, tell me how's Flynn?"

"What do you expect? Same as always- bought seven live chickens the last day." And just like that, all the tension was gone. 

"Oh dear, funny to think of him as a professor."

I held my hand up. "Wait a second, Flynn's a professor?"

"He teachers physics in Evermore-"

"Oh the fancy school."

Axel smiled at that. "Yes, the fancy school."

Eleanor smiled. "So what are you two here for?"

Axel smiled and my heart fluttered like it did whenever I actually saw him smile. It changed him completely. Eleanor's eyes widened in shock before she burst into a smile aswell. 

"Ice cream!"  


A loud shout echoed throughout the small shop, and I raised my eyes to see Axel's widen in horror as he looked past me. Eleanor jumped out of her seat, shooting Axel a horrified look.

"I didn't think he'd come- he normally doesn't-"

Axel cut her off. "It's fine, I'm not under his roof anymore." I felt a presence behind me and turned to look at someone who sent shivers down my spine? Why you ask, because this person's eyes held nothing. No emotion, just void and empty and that, that scared the shit out of me. I watched as his lips curled up into a sneer.

"Well look if it isn't the little fucker himself." I held my breath.

"How's life Dad? Have you gotten your license back or are you still drinking until you pass out? What a life." I wanted to flinch back from his glare, directed at his son.

His son.

Things were beginning to come into perspective.

"Don't talk to your father like that boy!" He glowered and Axel matched his glare.

"Don't tell me what to do."

Eleanor clasped her hands together, shaking nervously. "C'mon boys, settle down. We don't-"

Finding Hope in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now