Chapter Two

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After spending all day Sunday shopping for clothes with Amanda at the local mall I was exhausted. The entire day was filled with stripping down, trying on clothes, modeling outfits, spending a ton of cash only to start the process over at a billion other stores. To say that I had an entire new wardrobe was an understatement. I literally had to move all of my old clothes, which I still planned on wearing, into the spare bedroom closet to make room for the new ones. Amanda made sure we bought things that were easily matchable because we both know I am no good at matching clothes.

When I woke up on Monday, it surprised me that I didn't feel tired at all. After my shopping trip the day before I had slept so soundly, I didn't even remember my dreams. I had such a good sleep that I was actually in a good mood and that never happened first thing in the morning. Even on Christmas morning I wasn't in a good mood, and what kind of kid isn't in a good mood when they wake up knowing they are about to get a bunch of new shit? Apparently I just really wasn't a morning person, even as a child.

I showered quickly and as I washed my hair with strawberry scented shampoo I thought about which of my new outfits to wear. My mind finally settled on a pair of black tights with diamonds down the sides and a long black KARV shirt with intricate designs outlined in small jewels and sequins. When I leapt out of the shower and quickly pulled the outfit on, I was surprised to see that it looked great.

Amanda arrived at my house just as I was halfway through putting on my makeup. There was no need for me to go let her in or anything seeing as she had a key to my front door, even though nobody recalled giving her one.

"Hey Bitch." she said as she barged into my room, her head bent down looking at her phone. "Let's see what kind of monstrosity you have thrown on your body today." Before she even looked up at me she started criticizing my outfit, I rolled my eyes and coughed loudly to get her attention, when her head snapped up from her iPhone she looked surprised. "Holy shit, I can't believe my eyes." Before I knew it, her arms were around me hugging me tight "I always knew you had it in you to be fashionable!" she faked crying and beamed at my outfit. "Whatever has awakened the fashionista inside of you, please say thank you from me!"

I had no idea what had urged me to go on the shopping trip. Maybe my frustration towards the fact that Selesity was now home to yet another air head player. Or perhaps I was just sick of Amanda always having to match outfits together for me. I was no longer a child, and I should be able to dress myself thank you very much.

"I don't understand why you won't tell me." She said accusingly.

"Tell you what?" I asked while I applied some eyeliner and mascara.

"Why you want a whole new wardrobe. There is obviously a reason because well... you hate shopping and we spent hours at the mall yesterday." We had spent hours at the mall, and Amanda was bugging me the whole time about why I was so interested in shopping suddenly. She wasn't satisfied with my 'I need to dress myself' excuse.

"God forbid, if something happens to you I need to put on a decent outfit every day." I scolded her.


As we walked past the office on our way to our lockers, I saw Jayden in the office talking to our principal. I made a disgusted face and when Amanda saw what I was looking at she game me a sly grin that kinda creeped me out..

"Oh, you dirty little bitch!" She yelled out loud, causing people to stare. "You could have told me you know!"

"Told you what?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from Jayden. Just because I had no interest in his personality didn't mean I wasn't interested in his looks.

I could look, but I will never touch.

"You did all of this," she gestured out my new outfit "to impress Jayden didn't you?"

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