Spooky Scarry skelle bros

13 3 1

Snowiland asks: ....I don't know what to say... I love you all!!!! And Sans.... Ok My first question is for Sans. Did you know you have a ton of fangirls 0.0...... How does a skeleton get so many fangirls!??!?!? Same for you Papyrus!

And.... can I has a hug from da skeleton bros.....?

Sans: I have fangirls? -looks on the internet- holy shit i have fangirls!

Papyrus: be great!

Sans: Uh, i guess be lazy and have brother or sisterly love with someone. or at least a bond



Toriel: what the... i can't even -walks away-

Undyne: Umm

Sans and Papyrus: -hugs snowiland- did you think we'd forget?

Snowiland: yes

Alphys: T-they n-never forget a-a-anything!

Frisk: Fuck it, i'm out. -goes to the bathroom and locks thenselves in there-

Thank you all so much for reading the second chapter of this terrible book XD. if you want more of my content, please leave a vote and ask your questions and dares below. sya next time ~ Toby Rogers

Ask the Undertale crew!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें