Get a License

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Jackson and April lay side by side staring at the ceiling. April lay there waiting for Jackson to say something, anything. After what seemed like an eternity, Jackson finally spoke.

"I'm not sure how long it takes, but I think we could get a license pretty quickly. We could have the ceremony at city hall and have some sort of reception at a restaurant."

"What?" April squeaked.

Jackson, not noticing that April had interjected, kept talking "Also, we'll have to move shortly after that. I'm sure we can find you a position at an ER in New Orleans. You're due in...January, so that should give you about four or five months to study before you retake your boards in June. Then..."

April sat up, "Jackson, wait. Wait. What are you talking about?"

"Do you want to stay here? I could probably get my job back at Seattle Grace."

"No, Jackson, that's not what I'm talking about. A license? A ceremony and a reception? Are you saying we should get married?"

"Of course. I mean you're pregnant. I'm the father. It just makes sense."

"Umm, not quite. Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, you're the father. But getting married doesn't make sense. We're good friends, but we're not in love. We can't say vows we don't mean, just because there's going to be a baby. I don't know about you, but when I get married, I want it to be forever. I can't see a shotgun wedding ending in happily ever after. Sorry Jackson, but there's no way I can marry you."

Jackson scoffed, "Happily ever after? What are we? In a Disney movie? We are going to be parents. Let's be realistic. Do you really think you can handle being a single mom? I mean, you failed your boards because you were all freaked out about losing your virginity. Then, you went on a drinking binge after you found out the results. You get flustered and upset way too easily. Parenting is hard enough with two people. Going at this all alone? Come on April, don't be ridiculous. Our kid deserves better than that."

Taken aback, April said in a hurt voice, "I'm glad I have a little insight into how you truly feel about me. I know who I am. I know I'm awkward and I don't always deal with stress the best. But, you know what? I'm a lot stronger than you and everyone else gives me credit for. I have survived two close friends dying, losing my job twice, and being ridiculed constantly by my coworkers. I fully expect raising a child to be difficult, but I have faith in myself. I do not need you to marry me in order to be a good mom or to properly care for my child. Now if you don't mind, I'd really like to get some rest."

"April..." Jackson tried to close the distance between them, but April shied away from him.

"That was a hint for you to leave, Jackson."

He didn't move to leave at first. Just stood there silently pleading with his eyes. April's own were filled with tears. This man was supposed to be her best friend and yet he thought so little of her.

"Alright, I'll go but we need to finish figuring this out. We'll talk again tomorrow," Jackson said as he closed the door.

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