Chapter 19

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Mariana's POV

December 31, 2013

I was released from the hospital a day after I had woken up. The reason I had collapsed was because my body didn't have enough vitamins due to the fact that I wasn't eating well. I still can't believe that I was pregnant with Joel's kid. I was going to try my hardest to be a great mother figure. I know this is what Joel would've wanted.

So far, I was only three months pregnant and I'm barely showing. I still haven't had the chance to tell Yoandri what is going on. When he walked in and saw Joshua and I crying together we simply told him that they were tears of joy. He still thinks that I had a stomach virus.

It's New Year's Eve and here I am laying in bed with Yoandri. I've decided that it's now or never and for some reason I was afraid.

Three weeks ago I wanted nothing to do with this stranger. Now here I am afraid that he will decide to walk away and leave me. I wouldn't blame him though, if he decided to leave then I'll let him walk out of the door.

"Yoandri..." I decided to start off. He only hummed in response. "Can I tell you a story?" I asked, not sure of how to explain myself.

He lightly laughed and shook his head, "Sure, this is going to be interesting." He teased.

"Broken boy had finally met broken girl." Yoyo looked at me with a puzzled expression, "They were two halves of a whole idiot. She was his Wanda and he was her Cosmo, well except the magic, but they didn't need that. They made each other happy and they were pleased with the world they had created themselves. He was the person that she prayed every night for. He had saved her from the terrors of the world.

They were together for six years, a lifetime. Then one night on an attempt to make cupcakes, they realized that they were missing icing. He volunteered to get the icing, because he would do anything just to keep her happy. He never came back. She waited and waited and then the dreadful phone call came. She couldn't believe it, she was in denial and somehow she still is..."

I looked over at Yoandri and he seemed to be in thought. Then his eyes met mine and I could see that he was also in pain.

"But life works in mysterious ways." I continued. "Yoandri, I didn't have a stomach virus. The real reason I was in the hospital is because..." Suddenly I felt out of breath, "It's because I'm pregnant, with his baby." I said as I tried to wipe away the tears, but I felt a big weight lift off my shoulders.

"If you want to leave, then I don't blame you. I don't want to be a burden and I completely understand." I slowly said as tried to not lose my composure, but completely failed.

I expected him to walk away, to walk out the door and slam it along the way. What I didn't expect was his soft lips on mine.

Updated again because my last chapter got over 100 reads in just a few hours! Wow! You guys never fail to amaze me!

The more you vote, the sooner I'll update (: I love all of the comments! I promise that I read all of them!

Also, congrats to everyone who got a Joel follow today! He was following everyone and they grandma lolol (;

I love you all, stay beautiful.

Twitter: _starberryy ... Joel has inspired me, so I'll be following more people (:

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