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Barbara's POV
It's been a day since Dick kissed Zatanna. He stayed at the cave last night. I had to go on patrol, by myself, for the first time. And now, Dick's just zeta-beamed in to the BatCave. Wait, is he...skipping?
"Babs! You'll never guess what happened!" He squeals. "Zatanna kissed me!"
"Great." I say.
'What's up, Babs?" Dick asks. I don't look at him and fold my arms.
"Nothing." I say, trying not to growl.
"You can tell me."
"I said nothing!" I yell, then storm out of the BatCave. Dick runs after me.
"Please tell me Babs." He grabs my arm so I can't run.
"Well, what would you say if I told you that I was in the Watchtower last night? And that I fixed the counter-bio-chips?" I ask quietly.
"Wait, what?" Dick says in surprise.
"I told you. Now I've got some suit mods I need to install."

Dick's POV
I can't believe that Babs got in the Watchtower undetected. I mean, I knew she was smart, At this rate she'll be leading the Team within the month. Wait a second.
If Babs was in the Watchtower, does that mean she saw my kiss with Zatanna? I've had a crush on Zatanna since the day she joined the Team. But I've never thought about...oh my god. I think I have a crush on my best friend.

Only HumanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora