An Expedition's Delirium

Start from the beginning

        Marvin walked back to the other climbers while Kessler was talking.

        "He's negotiating. It seems Kessler can speak a hundred languages but doesn't know what this(does a hand gesture) means," Marvin said.

        As they waited, they had nothing to entertain them but to watch each other shiver, and wonder how long it would take for them to become human popsicles. In that time, they looked at the supposedly warm and homey village, and could only imagine what was in there.

        Eventually, Kessler came back with a report.

        "He'll let us stay in the empty shed. However, he will not give us supplies," Kessler said, gesturing to the empty food containers in their bags.

        "You asked him, right?" Sarah asked.

        Kessler nodded.

        "Well, at least this is something, right?" Jackson asked.

        Marvin was fuming, but nodded along. Yes, it was true they traveled this far in only a few hours, but with the blizzard lasting a few days, they couldn't last long without food.

       "Try again later, Kessler," Marvin said firmly.

        Kessler nodded again, though a little exasperatedly. He left, this time quicker.

"Y'all comfortable?" Marvin asked. He was at the doorway of the shed, a car sized room that only contained a few gardening supplies. There was also some knives, rope, and lanterns.

         Sarah stared.

         ""Y'all"?" she said.

         "Yes, "Y'all". What is wrong with that?" Marvin asked with a hint of weariness in his voice.

         "Well, one: you're not American or Southern," Sarah said.

         "Oh, so maybe you should be the one saying "Y'all" from now on, right?" Marvin asked with a smile.

         Sarah smirked.

          "You still seem to think you're so witty. Nine hours of climbing up with you; perhaps just turning around and falling down the mountainside isn't such a bad idea," Marvin said sarcastically.

          "What about Kessler? Is he still talking to the people?" Jackson asked. He was rubbing his frosted goggles with his shirt.

         "Yes. I was about to join him, see what I can do. Now, y'all stay put," Marvin said, giving Sarah a look.

         He then left, his hands in his pockets. 

         Much to his surprise, Marvin was actually allowed into the cabin of the Chinese man, who apparently had a thirty year-old son and a dog.The residence did have wooden frames, but had little decoration. Kessler was sitting on a chair next to the fireplace. An empty mug was sitting behind the chair. He noticed Kessler looked strangely satisfied.

         Has he eaten? Marvin thought. This thought dwelled in his mind like a hungry demon.

        Jackson stood outside the cabin, peering through the blinds of the window. The pitch black rock and white snow were bleak in comparison with the rich, colorful interior. He couldn't hear what they were talking about. Both Kessler and Marvin were speaking intently to the Chinese man, who seemed tolerant of what he was hearing. There was a bear head mounted on the cabin wall. There wasn't any bears on the mountain, so he wondered where the man hunted the animals.

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