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Most people judge people the book by its cover. Who cares about the "Dont judge a book by its cover" saying?

What happens when you over do it: You put way too much stuff and effects into the cover. (I do that alot) No one says anything about your cover, so you don't know if it's bad or good. Then your friend speaks up and says you over did it and your feelings get hurt because you put SOOO much effort into it and thought it was awesome.

Okay so that's what happens.

I also hate when people do this: they just put a random picture that has nothing to do with the plot and there is no words in the cover. They get no votes, nobody reads it and everyone avoids it. Its not good. It will NEVER EVER make it's way to the popular section.

I bet there are tons of people that are willing to give you a nicer cover. Just ask them! Dont be shy! Also, NEVER put a random picture. It gets every one confused and frustrated. BTW I would love to make anyone a cover. Just tell me what color background and the title. Then you can customize it.

If you think you might of over done it or not enough, ask a friend! Tell them to be honest. They will tell you the truth.

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