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I exited the call from my grandad and lay my old windows 7 notebook laptop on the bed beside me and shut the pale lid. I then gazed thoughtfully out the window of my bedroom flat. There, outside on the wall, sat a small, tabby cat. It sat there looking at the window, almost as if it was starting at me. I tried to shake the feeling off as I knew it was impossible but there was something about that cat that was very peculiar.

Shortly after,and with not much thought, I decided that I didn't have enough sleep the past night and it was effecting my worn out brain. Although even as I walked past the window, refusing to even take a glance, I felt the cats green eyes glistening in the moon light.

Two long hours later, Amber had fed and watched T.V with me till she decided it was too late and shooed me off to bed. I had just gotten into my batman pj's and was about to clime into bed when I quickly looked out the window. No cat in sight. Good.

I tossed and turned but suddenly heard the tussle of paper being written on. I had gotten up to investigate but only found a piece of old blank paper on the desk. Yawning from fatigue, I started to slowly walk back to bed when the paper moved. At this point I so needed more sleep so I just flopped down onto my mattress once more and refused to be moved. It worked for about 10 minuets till the damn doorbell decided to ring. I waited for two more rings to see if Amber would spare me the effort but I gained no such prize. So instead I slowly got up and shuffled to the door. There stood a old woman, dressed in black robes that dragged across the floor and a velvet black hat that bent over to the side in a wonky grin. Layer after layer of tight wrinkles covered her sharp face and it looked like a phenomenon that she was still alive. Her forest green eyes glazed sharply into me as if she knew all my darkest secrets.

"Good to finally meet your acquaintance Alexandra, My name is Minerva McGonagall. But you will only address me as Professor."

"What? Excuse me can I help you?!" I asked surprised, how did she even know my name? Let alone where I live.

"Oh goodness you didn't open the letter did you? Your mother should have told you by now." She said worried. Her thin dry lips pursed together as she thought for a moment. "Oh well now will have to do." She explained, throwing a dismissive hand softly into the air as if batting away a fly.

"May I come in please?" Hesitant at first but then suddenly egar to hear what she had to say I stepped aside as she walked through. Quickly she made herself comfortable on the sofa and began to explain.
"Your father was no ordinary man Alexandra." She simply stated, pausing before she continued, perhaps waiting for a response. When I stayed silent she smiled slightly, it was an unexpected sight but one welcomed by me. "He was like me, and intact, like you too." I felt myself leaning forward, wanting to know more. "He had magic!" She said excited. "But no ordinary muggles tale, he was a wizard." She nodded at me, confirming what I had already figured out.
"Your a witch." She whispered.

As if on cue Amber came storming in, presumably ready to scold me for making too much noise but upon seeing the 'Professor' she just went silent, and placed a hand over her mouth as silk tears slipped down her cheeks. "He was right." She whispered, so quiet it was barely audible.

Who was he? My dad? But he died as a soldier abroad somewhere. I distinctly remember the telegram that Amber showed me. The professor looked at me with deep symphony and said. "Alex, you father is alive."

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