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Silver moonlight danced across the plaza's smooth concrete below my feet, the lights of the night sky and the streetlamp glowing in the puddles of water scattered across the flawless surface. My feet took very slow and careful steps across the deserted plaza grounds, keeping an careful watch for any kind of movement. This was where the meta alert had been set off, and we'd been scanning the area for what felt like hours now. It felt like the longer I was on my feet, the more and more pain ran up and down my spine. It was difficult to hide just how much pain walking caused me at this point, but I thought that I was doing a pretty good job of it as Barry ran around the block in an attempt to find the meta who had set off our alarm. It was slightly entertaining to watch him run in circles, and I was wishing that I had the ability to run like that. Hell, I wished that I had the ability to walk without feeling pain shoot up my spine. But that wasn't my main point of focus at the moment. I was dead set on finding whatever meta caused our computers to say it was me out here. It wasn't every day that you can across someone with the same powers as you unless you were Barry. He seemed to come across fellow speedsters like I came across fellow Italian people.

It was eerily disturbing to see the city like this. The entire time that I'd lived here, I'd never seen it so calm and so peaceful. I was so used to constantly hearing cars honking at each other and people screaming at one another that I forgot that it was possible for the city to actually be silent. But it didn't feel right to be enveloped in complete silence. It felt off in a way. It made me feel like I was one of the last people alive in this city, and that just made my constant anxiety that much worse. Granted, I was part of the reason why the city was deserted, but I was still freaked out nonetheless. But, while it would be much easier to fight Zoom without any civilians around, doing it without any assurance of medical help was upsetting. While Caitlin was a very capable doctor to both Barry and me, there were things that she wouldn't be able to save us from, and those things might just happen when we face off against Zoom. There were things that he might do to us that even she might not be to fix, and the thought scarred me more than I would have liked it to.

After five straight minutes of circling the block, Barry stopped next to me, hunching over as he caught his breath. "I've run this street at least a hundred times," he panted, "and there is no one here. There is absolutely no one that could have set off that alarm."

I put my hand on his back. "It'll be okay, Barry." I told him as he stood up. "We'll find whoever set off the alarm."

"It's seeming kind of hopeless at this point." Cisco spoke in our earpieces. "Maybe it was just a pigeon or something that set the alarm off."

"Can pigeons set off the meta alarm?" Barry questioned.

I shrugged slightly. "Whatever the case, you guys might as well head back here." Caitlin instructed. "There's no use in wasting your energy on something that isn't there."

I nodded in agreement, and we were both about to start making our way back to The Cortex when something incredibly fast tore us apart from one another, sending me flying against the concrete. I let out a small scream of pain as my back popped in multiple places. I whimpered as I pulled myself onto my forearms, and I soon felt someone pull me up by my shoulders at an astounding speed. Before I could fully comprehend what was going on, I was back on my feet with a large, clawed hand wrapped around my throat. My back was pressed against a rather cold surface that felt had the density of someone's chest but not the feeling of a warm, living human being. My gut told me to be very still and calm with Zoom having knife-like claws at my throat, and I tried to calm my breathing down as Barry regained his footing, his eyes taking in the scene in front of him with panic and terror taking over his bright irises. I subtly put my right hand up to tell him not to advance. I really wasn't in the mood to have my throat ripped out at the moment, and I was hoping that he wouldn't do anything that would cause that to happen.

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