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The air between the five of us was tense, four pairs of eyes staring at the man in front of us. It felt much like it did when he first showed up again, but the only difference was that Hallie wasn't here. We all still had the same level of disdain towards Dr. Wells, but now we were willing to put it aside if he was willing to cooperate with us. When Barry and I had told Cisco and Caitlin of Wells' alternative motives, we all agreed to confront him head-on before we moved to find Zoom. Honestly, it was a risky decision, but we all felt that it was the best idea. None of us could work with this man if we didn't' trust him on some level, so we were willing to put off finding Zoom for a little while longer in order to build some kind of trust.

"Are you all just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to ask questions?" Wells inquired smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

I took a small breath, controlling small amount of anger that was rising in my throat at his attitude. "Why didn't you tell us about your real intentions with finding Zoom?" I asked.

"I knew that all of you would refuse to help me." He answered simply. "I was aware of everything that had happened on your Earth with the Reverse Flash, and I knew that you would be hesitant to trust me after everything that happened."

"You were right to think that." Cisco said.

"But you were wrong with the way you went about it." Barry added. "It's true that we probably would have turned you down to begin with, but, once we saw how powerful Zoom was, we would have agreed to help you as long as we made sure that he wasn't on the streets anymore."

"That being said," I spoke, taking a small step forward, "don't think for a moment that we won't withdraw our support of you if we find that you're hiding anything else from us."

He chuckled, looking away from me. "You're bluffing."

"I think that I've done a pretty good job of proving that I don't bluff when it comes to the safety of my loved ones." He didn't speak, instead, he just tightened his jaw. "If there is anything else that you're not telling us, now is the time to get it out in the open."

He hesitated before speaking, but I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was heavily debating keeping secrets from us, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before he broke. And, much like I predicted, he sighed heavily, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. "He has tried to cut a deal with me." He said, making the blood in my veins run cold. "He's contacted me a couple of times with the deal that he would release my daughter as long as I agreed to help Barry reach his full potential--"

"So that he could take his speed." Cisco finished, my heart stuttering in my chest.

Wells nodded. "Yes."

"And you agreed to this, didn't you?" I asked, doing a pretty bad job at hiding my anger.

"I didn't have a choice."

I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself down. "So that's his master plan." Barry spoke. "And we've all been going along with it this entire time."

"I am sorry that I've betrayed your trust like this," Harry said, "but, when any of you are lucky enough to have a family of your own, you'll understand why I did what I did."

"What else is he planning?" I questioned, earning an eyebrow arch from him. "Someone like Zoom doesn't have a one-and-done plan. He's going to do something that's going to test Barry's abilities, so what is it?"

He shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure. It could be anything from a bus crash to a bomb that could level the city."

Barry nodded slightly. "We need to evacuate the city." He stated.

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