"I saw it and I knew , I had to get you it." Ryan smiled sincerely.

"awwwww!" I said tearing up as I hugged him gratefully.

"okay now Chaz." said Justin interrupting the moment. Ergh.

"here." said chaz as he passed me the gift bag which I soon found to be heavy and noisy.

"woah, this is a lot of stuff!" I said laughing as I shifted through the bag, at least 5 things were in the bag and individually wrapped in union jack paper.

I pulled out the biggest and carefully pulled off the paper to reveal a converse box. I opened it slowly to reveal an amazing pair of union jack high tops. My mouth made a perfect O, it matched my perfect shoes.

"they're- I - oh my!" I said still staring at them.

"okay put them down and open the rest THEN thank me!" laughed Chaz sweetly.

So I did as he said and opened another box which was smaller. It was a CD case holding about 5 CDs with Harry potter and the deathly hallows wrote on it in Chaz's best attempt hand writting.

"what's this?" I said a little confused.

"well it's erm an audiobook, it's a couple of disks. I remember when we were little and you used to make me read things to you because you said you liked the way I read and well I know you hate all the other books so erm yeah." Chaz blushed a deep red and then looked sorry he had given me it, but he shouldn't, it's perfect and the way he reads is perfect.

"it's perfect!" I said tearing up again.

I put it carefully on top of the converse box and smiled as I pulled out another box. I peeled back the paper and picked up speed when I saw the union jack become clear. I pulled out the plastic sealed union jack bed covers. They were beautiful. I gawped then grinned at Chaz.

I put the covers to my side then pulled out another box which was significantly smaller than the others. I unwrapped it and then opened it to find a skull ring with flower eyes. It was beyond cute. I put it on and the held out my hand and pouted my lips as I flashed it around to a smiling Chaz and Ryan. But Justin was sat impatiently twiddling his thumbs. How annoying!

I then thrust my hand into the bag and pulled out the last present. It was another small box and when I tore off the paper and opened the box I found a pair of skull earrings that matched the ring, they were lovely.

"thank you SOOOO SOOOO much!" I said hugging Chaz round the neck.

"now me." said Justin holding up his bag. I smiled flakily and tugged the bag off him.

"careful! It's fragile." laughed Justin. Ryan began laughing too, he was obviously in on this.

I looked into the bag, there was two small wrapped circles , an envelope and a huge White box.

I pulled out the biggest circle, unwrapped it and smiled at the "team Jussie!" badge. I unwrapped the other and found it to be a mrs. Bieber badge. I had to admit it was pretty funny.

"you should wear them tomorrow, at the premiere of my new book!" Justin laughed. Oh that's why he bought them.

"open the others!" he smiled, I grinned back.

I pulled out the envelope and tore it open and pulled out 2 tickets to Disney land Paris! Oh my god!

I got up and began screaming, I'd always wanted to go to Disney land Paris but we couldn't afford it when my mam was alive and my dad didn't want to go with me on his own.

"thank you!" I said as I got up and hugged him loosely.

"you're welcome Cass, now open the last one." Justin smiled proudly.

I went back to the bag and pulled out the large White box and slowly opened it. It was a huge cake, with Justin's face on. I looked up at Justin and he and Ryan were laughing insanely. Chaz was laughing too but no where near as much. I have to admit it was funny but slight weird.

"well erm thanks Justin?" I stuttered laughing slightly.

"how's about we grab some?" Justin smiled licking his lips.

"you guys can but I'm going for a meal. I don't wanna ruin my apatite?" I smiled and stood up and took the cake to the kitchen. It looked amazing, really tasty and I bet expensive, not that it matters to Justin how much any thing costs.

"so you guys having a slice?" I shouted from the kitchen.

"how about we save it till tomorrow after the premiere?" said Chaz humbly.

"you're going too Chaz?" I questioned hopefully, this will help A LOT!

"well no but we could come back here or to mine?" Chaz smiled hopefully as I walked back into the front room.

"sounds good but erm not to be rude but can you guys go soon? I've gotta get changed and go meet my dad for dinner?" I questioned politely and soon as I'd said it all the boys had stood up and were heading for the door.

"thanks for the gifts guys, they're great." I said shutting the door as they said bye.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

well remember tell me what you think of the story line???

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