Chapter 2 Levi

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Levis POV
Looking out the window up into the sky Levi thought of tomorrow and how things should go. Slightly annoyed with the fact he'd be going to a new school in a place where he knew no one he looked at the clock. 3:00 am it read.
"Hopefully I get some sleep, this insomnia is a bitch." he muttered
Finally deciding to try again Levi went to lay down, glancing at the clock once more he read 3:20 and then was enveloped in darkness.
(3hour time skip)
Levi opened his eyes to see a faint shade or yellow and pinks outside the window, looking at the clock it read 6:30.
"Only 3 hours? Ugh I fucking hate this shit."
Sitting up Levi was frustrated and just wanted the day to end already. He placed his feet on the cool floor and stood up walking to his dresser to pull out a set of clothing. Quickly making the bed he then placed the clothes in a neat pile on the bed and walked out of the room to the restroom. He stripped himself of his night clothes and threw them into the hamper next the his bedroom door, without a care in the world he walked back to the restroom fully naked.
"Heh at least this is the bright side of having to move here alone." He thought.
Stepping into the shower he turned the dials and sighed.
"I can't believe they did this to me, I know I'm 18 but just making me live alone sucks ass." He thought
(2 months prior)
"Levi dear come here."
"Yes mom"
"Levi honey your father and I have been talking and we've decided that since you turned 18 not to long ago that we are going to get you a place to stay so that you can grow accustomed to living on your own, we will pay for everything, all you have to do is go to school and get good grades." She explained
Levi stood there no emotion on his face as he thought about it.
"Well it wouldn't be too different from living here I mean they are hardly home and I clean and cook for myself already." He thought
Looking up at his parents he nodded in agreement and walked away. 2 months later he was here, it wasn't too bad 2 rooms 2 bath and it was pretty roomy, he get to decide how to decorate and color it and in his opinion it wasn't too bad.
~~Back to reality ~~
Levi got out the shower and quickly dressed, walking to the kitchen to get a bagel and tea. Eating quickly he gathered his things and left his house. 
Getting into his car Levi drove to the shitty school. Getting there he parked and walked past a group of people all seemed to be happy people but one caught Levi's eye. A boy with chocolate brown hair and emerald blue eyes. There he stood talking to his friends, he seemed pretty happy and Levi wished he knew his name, but he wanted to keep his ritual of not making friends, cause from experience friends only cause pain.
Levi then Walked into the school and immediately got lost.
"Fucking shit man where the fuck am I supposed to go?!" He thought
"Hey" a girls voice spoke
Turning around Levi was met with a tallish girl with brown hair tied up into a pony tail and glasses.
"My name is Hanji, do you need help?" She said
"Tch, my name is Levi and I do need help shit glasses."
Unfazed by Levi's remark Hanji smiled and led Levi to a room where they were giving out schedules.
"I'm going to assume by your vocabulary that you are indeed a senior." Hanji said with a wide smile
"Well you guessed right shit glasses, thanks."
"WHAT?" He turned around
"Umm you have to go by last name so the first letter of you last name is where you'll find your schedule." She said turning around a skipping away.
"Wow I've never met such a person as her." Levi thought
Looking around he spotted the table with the letter A on it. Walking over Levi tried to be excited, at least he had some good classes like science and art. Getting closer to the table someone bumped into him. Looking up Levi was met with gorgeous Emerald blue eyes, taking a moment he took in the beautiful sight  then he spoke.
"Watch where you're going brat." Then he walked away glancing back and saw that he stood there rather dazed.
Getting to the table he told the woman his last name.
Ackerman was his last name something that his parents lovingly gave him. One of the only things he got filled with love.
Walking away from the table he looked at his schedule looking for his two favorite classes seeing that he had science 3rd period and art 7th.
"Hmm this should be interesting" he thought.

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