"someone's back there" he says

"I already now Timmy Zach Nick and Rudan idiot" I say.

"no someone else" he says.

I looked around. "KY KY" I scream jumping in the back

"I thought you weren't sitting in. the back" Edwin says

"I wasn't but I saw my girlfriend back here and I feel bad that she has to sit back here with you guys. " I say

"whatever" he says

"how have you been I heard about the break up" she says

"I wanted to be by him but he won't let me" I say

"then he's not worth it" she says

"that's what Maggie said" I say

"hey are you guys gonna finished with your girl chat or are we gonna go eat?" Zach says

"you know what Zach I missed you" I say getting out and hugging hard !

"I missed you too" he says doing the same to me. I screamed laughing

"i know your in love with me" I say in his ear

"can't help it" he breathes.

"oh sorry now" I say leaning in and he did too and I put my hand out for Kylee to grab it and we walked in laughing leaving Zach look in like an idiot.

we laughed and I sat next to Maddie and Kylee.

he texted me

Z Clayton 😎❤️: thanks for leaving me
me: sowy
Z Clayton 😎❤️: and I wanted to sit next to you! 😭😩
me: love youuu💋

"who you texting Madeline?" Timmy says

"my dad Timothy" I say shutting it off and looking at him smiling.

I looked at the menu and Zach kept kicking me.

"imma punch you in the face if you don't stop" I say sitting criss cross

"hey guys I'm Wes and I'm your server what would you like today" he says looking at me. holy lord his jawline and his smile.
(yes it's the Wes like @imactuallywes)
"I'll take a Sprite"

"okay I'll be right back with your drinks" he says walking away smiling at me.

"he like you" Maddie says in my ear.

"ahh duh" I say and Something Sweet started playing I knew it was Madison

mi-mi🦄✨☺️💕: when are you coming home?
me: two more days why?
mi-mi🦄✨☺️💕: I need you!!
me: tell me -guys I'll be back
mi-mi🦄✨☺️💕: Before Jack went on tour we did it and now I'm pregnant with twins
me: Madison no no no call Jack after me I'll come straight over after I land
mi-mi🦄✨☺️💕: ok please be by my side during this
me: promise love you
mi-mi🦄✨☺️💕: ok thanks love you too bye
me: bye.

I hung up and left out the bathroom

"hey do you know Cody?" Wes ask

"yeah why?" i say putting my phone in my pocket.

"he's one of my friends and I'm gong to LA to see him and he said that his friend Maddie was gonna be there in two days and im guessing your the Maddie?" he says pointing at me

"haha yeah give me your number and I'll talk to you later" I say and he handed me his phone and I handed him mines.

I put mines as mads😍😜😩 and he put his as wes😍🔥😩

and I walk back to the table.

"what happen who was that on the phone" Kylee ask

"Madison" I say

"what happen?"Maddie ask

"she preggers" I say looking at her

"really? awe now they gotta get married" she says

"I know right can you order for me I'll have whatever you get I gotta call Jack" I say getting up to the bathroom

"yeah sure" she says and her and Kylee looked at the menu.

Jackers🎩😎😂: hello?
me: have you called or talked to Madison
Jackers🎩😎😂: no why?
me:she's pregnant...
Jackers🎩😎😂:really? when?
me: idk she just called me crying
Jackers🎩😎😂: ok lemme call her
me: ok love you
Jackers🎩😎😂: love you too bye
me:bye bye

I walked back to the table

"I ordered you boneless honey bbq wings" Kylee says

i sighed "thank you" I say

"you okay?" Zach ask

"well I'm gonna be an aunt" I say smiling.

they all clapped. and my phone rung again.

it was Matt.

"it's Matt" I say to Kylee and Maddie.

"we'll be back,go" Kylee says pushing me. I answered and put it on speaker

me: hello?
Matt❤️: maddie? are you still here?
me: no. why?
Matt❤️: oh never mind then love you bye.
me: Matt wait!
Matt❤️: yeah?
me: did you take your medicine?
Matt❤️: of course i am
me: okay love you stay safe
Matt❤️: I am love u too


of course I'm not taking my medicine I'm terrified what's gonna happen.

"take it now Matt I'm serious I care about you" Maddie says. dammit I forgot to hang up.

"no no baby I am I'm gonna take it right now" I say going into my room.

"you better I gotta go I love you" she says

"love you too bye" I say hanging up

"doing it for maddie" I say taking a pill and water

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