Mangle x Springtrap (Sad Fluff)

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She wanted to scream.

So badly, she wanted to scream. Because the pain was too much.

She was fixed, then broken, fixed, then broken. It was like an endless cycle of hell.

Now, she curls up, her mass of wires sprawled out from her endoskeleton.
Her second head was one of her closest friends, she smiles as she looks at him.

That was years ago, when the children were actually there tearing her apart. It's burned down now, now she's in a horror attraction.

Broken whimpers and sobs echo from her voice box as she suffers. Suffers over her bullying and her past pain she's stuck up on. All the others feel so bad, they try to help her. It doesn't work.

"Mangle.." She hears, and her cries stop abruptly
"S-Springtrap! I didn't know you were coming here! Oh I look terrible..." She sighs shamefully.
"Nonsense," Springtrap says sharply. "Your beautiful, no matter what."
This boosts her confidence a bit.
"Really?" She asks, "you think so?"

Springtrap laughs, eyes sparkling with joy.
"Of course I do."

He sits down, and Mangle rests her mass of wires and her head down on Springtrap's lap.

"The children were stupid to make fun of you like that." Springtrap mentions.

"I know.. But they had a reason-" she was sharply cut off.
"Yes, but the reason was also stupid!" Springtrap pauses for a moment, but then continues. "I will not have you thinking of yourself as ugly! A monster! I want to help you because.." Springtrap trails off.
"B-because what?" Mangle questions. Oops, slipped up on a syllable there.

"Because I care about you.. And I love you Mangle.."

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