Chapter 5- Houses | Atza

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Gah! I ran after the annoying twins. Then I saw a little girl with baby blue hair

"Are you it?" I nodded and then she screamed a playful scream and started running. I ran after the little girl at a slower pace than usual, so she could have some fun, finally I picked her up and tickled the little girl. She was laughing hysterically

"Nekoette-tan is having fun. What is your name?" I smiled

"Atza, is your mom Kawaii-Chan?" She nodded "So, you are also going to call me Atza-Sama?" She smiled


"You know what, I don't care if such an amazing little girl calls me that." I tickled her again. She continued to laugh.

"Never knew you were good with kids." I turned around and saw Levin. He came up to Nekoette-tan and told her

"Dmitri is looking for you." I put her down and she said

"Nekoette-tan will see Atza-Sama soon!" She ran off. I turned back to Levin

"Kawaii-Chan's daughter?" I questioned Levin

"Yeah. She really likes you. You let her call you Atza-Sama?" I nodded

"I have always loved kids, I just don't see them often. When I do see them I love to play with them."

"That is nice. Why don't you see many kids, what about in the Elven Forest?"

"I never really got to see any kids. I really stayed isolated when I was little. I was the outlier, but I mean look how I turned out great, right?" I smiled brightly

"Yeah, well, we were wondering, we already love you guys. Would you want to stay in Phoenix Drop?"

"YAS! Thanks Levin, even though you are lord don't expect me to call you lord." He laughed

"Would you mind playing 20 questions, so I can learn more about you, so I know how you want to house to be like?" I nodded. He asked the first question

"Full name?"

"Atza Verc, i don't have a middle name, and I was found with a note with only my first name, so I took my adoptive parents last name."

"Levin Phoenix, also don't have a middle name. Your turn."

"Favorite color?"

"Blue then black."

"Teal for me."

"Favorite season?"

"Summer, so warm and so many thing to do."


"Spicy or Sweet?"

"Sweet, but spicy can be great."

"I am more spicy."

"That is fine, what do you do in your free time?"

"I practice fighting, read, and I have fun."

"I lead, I practice fighting and I also have fun." I laughed

"Now, tell me are you living with Coora?"

"I think I want to live in my own house. I have always lived with someone, in the Elven Forest it was my "parents" and while we traveled it was Coora. Time for some independence." He smiled

"Cool. I guess I will have to ask Coora too. You want to help build your house?"

"YAS! I was wondering when you were going to ask me! I am not letting you have all the fun. So, who is on the build team?" He laughed

"Laurence, Dante, Kyle, you and I. You will finally meet Kyle."

"Yay! More people!"

"Why are you always so happy, your past has been so dark?" I thought for a second

"It is just that, I want to be positive. I can be truly sad, but pretend it is the best day ever. Feeling can hurt people, and can be annoying."

"Wow, you bottle up all your feelings. Off that depressing topic, come on let's find Coora" I nodded.

"First person who finds her wins, GO!" I ran off and heard Levin behind me

"Hey, you got a head start!"I continued running around trying to find Coora, but I couldn't. Then I heard behind me

"I guess you lost." I turned around and saw Coora, Levin and Hina


"We were at the tree." Hina said. I face palmed

"I am so stupid."

"Yes you are.," Hera agreed.

"You don't need to agree." I pouted

"Well, I want to."

"GAH! Did Levin tell you about staying here." She nodded

"Yup, I hear you are.."

"Ya, this place is fun and they know our secrets, so why not. Are you and Hina staying?"
"I like this place. It is fun, so yeah," Hera said

"YAY, telling you now I am building a house with the guys for myself, cause I am not living with you. INDEPENDENCE!" Hina finally spoke up

"Can I stay too?"

"YAS, MORE FRIENDS!" I yelled. Then looked to Coora

"You are living with me. Atza is being independent, which is obscure. She is also doing work!" I jumped on her back

"Hey! I am hurt, not really, I am usually lazy, but I don't want the guys to mess up." Levin put on a hurt face

"I am shot. You don't trust me. Just kidding. Atza, Laurence and I are building her house and Kyle, Dante, and Malachi are building your house. You might want to help them or they might make it to you dislike." Hina and Coora laughed

"Okay, see ya." They ran off to find their build team, leaving Levin and I alone.

"So, where is the build site I am going to start, now." Levin smirked

"Wow, you are a Little Apple, sweet most of the time and sour the next."

"Nope, no calling me Little Apple. Oh, I see where you got the sour from. Yeah... Okay. Now show me!" He nodded and started walking, freaking walking

"Come on dude, run. I want to get there fast." He grinned

"Race you!" He started racing

"But I don't know where it is!"

"That is too bad!" I ran after him. Finally he stopped at an empty space close to his house and another space. In my space there was one single tree, it was a big tree, but alone.

"This is where it is going to be." I nodded

"Cool. Can we use Magicks?" Hera asked, "It would go so much faster."

"Go ahead. The faster the better. That way you won't have to live in the tree anymore." Yay,

"I will only make the base. I want to have some fun and decorate." Levin nodded. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I imagined my house and started creating.  

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