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Trinitee POV

Hey y'all wassup! My name is Trinitee. I'm 5'6 with thin long legs. My skin is a light caramel color and I'm 15 years old. I have curly hair that passes my shoulders. Also I'm Puerto Rican and black. Anyways let me tell you my story..........

"Trinitee wake up its time for school." My mom said while pulling my purple silk curtains back revealing the sun."Mama ok close the curtains its too early." I replied while putting my pillow over my eyes.

"I said get up!" my mom yelled which made me automatically jump out of my bed. When I got up I seen my mom give herself a pleased smile.

Parents these days. By the way speaking of parents I live with my mom Raven and my step dad Brandon. My biological dad wasn't in my life as much as I would've liked him to be. Actually if I'm not mistaken he lives in Texas while I'm in Puerto Rico.

Anyways when I got up I went into my bathroom so I could get ready for school. I turned the shower knob all the way up until it was completely hot. Even though the water was burning my skin I stayed under it. That's how I wash away all my pain.

After I was done showering I put on my favorite lotion. Pink Raspberry from Bath and Body Works. I then slipped on my favorite pink bra with polka dots on them along with the matching panties.

Now all I have to do is brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed for school. I began to brush my teeth for about 4 minutes then I washed my face with my Black Charcoal and Blueberry Blast face mask.

After I was done I put my robe on my thin body and went to my room to get dressed. While I was was walking to my room I thought about what I wanted to wear. After looking through my closet for awhile I finally decided on a outfit.

I put on a white crop top and some distressed high waisted skinny jeans. I added a necklace that said Barbie to my outfit. Then I slipped on my Oreo Jordan's.

Now all I had to do was my hair. So I just decided to put it up in a high messy bun. I looked in my full body mirror and complemented myself on how good I look.

But I was missing something. I put on my gold hoop earrings that's medium sized and a matching ring that have the word Barbie on it just like my necklace. Then I applied some lip gloss to my lips. Now I'm ready to go.

Before I went downstairs I grabbed my purse and put my IPhone 6 plus in it along with some other stuff I would need for the day then I left my room.

"Good morning sleepyhead." My step dad said while playfully nudging my arm. "Good morning weirdo. Anyways did you make any breakfast?" I asked heading towards the stove.

I was hungry as fudge. And by the way just to let you know I'm a fat kid in a skinny girls body. And by that I mean that I can eat a lot and not gain a pound. Lol but don't judge!

"Actually no I didn't make breakfast. But there is cereal in the pantry and milk in the fridge." My dad said with a serious face.

"No this can't be true. Please tell me I'm dreaming." I said being dramatic while fake crying.

"Nope its true so stop being dramatic." My dad said while trying to hold in his laughter. "Brandon stop picking with her. And honey I put your food in the microwave and there is is OJ (orange juice) in the fridge."

My mom said while giving my dad a stern look then she turned to me and gave me a friendly smile."Thanks mommy I love you very much." I said in a baby voice then I kissed her on the cheek.

"And thank you for actually making me some breakfast and putting it up for me unlike some people." I said while playfully sticking my tongue out at my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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