All In This Together (A Little Mix One Direction Fanfic)

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Jades P.O.V

I finished my bowl of cereal and went to the sink. A day off! YAAAY! I was so excited! "so girls what do you wanna do on our first day off as celebrities?" Leigh Anne yelled excitedly. We all thought quietly and all yelled "GIRLS DAY!" at the same time. We all squealed and jumped around. We are such Girly girls!! Perrie blasted Last Friday Night by Katy perry on the speakers and we danced all crazy. We might be famous but we are still total losers! I decided to post something on twitter. I took a picture of Perrie and leighanne having probably the worst Conga line in history and added a caption, "luv ma girlies, feeling amazing today! XxjadexX" I smiled at the picture and posted it. Emidietly people started congratulating us and trending the hash tag #congratzlittlemix I absolutely loved our fans. We continued dancing and acting crazy. I sat down and started eating nutella right from the package with a spoon. I absolutely loved this stuff, I know it's pretty unhealthy to eat it by itself but OH WHALE. I screamed out the lyrics to teenage dream while stuffing my face until I got a text from zayn. I opened it reading " hello jade! Me and the boys have a surprise..we have taken time off of our tour to see you guys!" I almost chocked on my nutella. I continued reading " and we are on our way there, please don't tell any of the girls, i knew I had to tell one and you seem responsible :) anyways, don't tell and I'll see you soon!" I managed to compose myself and looked over to the girls who were still acting insane. Jessie was break dancing with Leigh Anne while Perrie laughed her head off. Hatchi laid down comfortably on the couch seeming to enjoy this insanity. Their puppy is so cute! I replied to Zayn, "Will do! Can't wait! xx" I turrned off my phone and rushed up stairs to get dressed, and none of the girls seemed to notice since they started to play messy twister, oh god! I rushed to my closet and picked out a pair of blue sweat pants with bows on the sides, an orange bralet, and put my hair in a ponytail. I ran back downstairs to see the girls in a tangled mess of body parts, paint splattered all over, well EVERYWHERE. They laughed their heads off as they tried to untangle themselves. Boy were the boys going to get a pleasant surprise. I continued eating my nutella and playing with Hatchi until my phone vibrated. A text from Louis, "Hello Jadey! We are almost there and I know your excited to see my beautiful face! xx" I laughed and texted back "I can't deny it Loueh, can't wait! xx" I smiled and put my phone down. They would be here any minute. I thought about telling the girls, but I couldn't! It was a surprise! I decided to just leave them be and see what happened! Just then the doorbell rang and my heart fluttered, boy were they going to be surprised. Before Perrie could walk to the door I yelled " I'LL GET IT." and ran. "a little enthusiastic are we jade?" jesy laughed. I smiled and opened the door and there stood the boys. " hello there" said zayn. I shot a grin and Perrie started to walk towards me. "hey jade who is it--ZAYYYN!!" she yelled joyfully as she nearly tackled the poor guy. He picked her up and twirled her around. "Talk about sappy" Louis scoffed as he let himself in. " Guys?!" yelled Leigh-Anne as she greeted everyone. She basically Tackled Niall as well, they had a "special" relationship. Jesy hugged everyone and beamed her smile " This is such a pleasant surprise!" she said. " I'm so glad you guys are here!" said Leigh-Anne. "Jade? Did you know about this?!" asked Perrie as she cuddled up next to Zayn on the couch." "Errrmmm mabye?" I said quietly "JADE!!" Perrie tackled me to the ground, we always loved to play fight. Everyone laughed as we calmed down. Perrie put on her puppy dog face. "Why didn't you tell us?" I smiled "Its a little thing called a surprise!!" I laughed. We all sat and chatted with each other. "May I ask what the hell is on your clothes?" asked Niall as he gestured towards jesy Perrie and leighanne, I scoffed. "It's Paint!" Perrie said excitedly. "we were playing messy twister!" Leigh Anne said. "I'd love to join!" said Harry. We all laughed our heads off at the thought of all of us playing twister together. That would be madness. I went to the kitchen to grab a soda and sat down next to Harry. Everyone talked amongst themselves again and I smiled at him. He smiled back. I didn't know all of the boys all that well, Perrie knew them the best but they were such great guys and amazing friends! "Congratz on winning jade! Even we couldn't do that!" he said jokingly. "Yeah but look how successful you guys are now!" I laughed. " we'll it just goes to show how life is weird like that." "yeah" I said quietly. There was a small awkward silence and I stared at the ground. I looked over to zayn and Perrie who were snuggling and obviously catching up on all of their stories, they were such a cute couple. I then looked over to Leigh-Anne who was smiling sweetly at Niall while gently touching his knee while talking, she was such a flirt! I then looked over to Jesy, Liam, and Louis talking about something involving a 40 year old stripper, but I didn't want to get involved with their weirdness. I loved them all anyways :). Harry smiled at me once more. I kind of think I like him. He isn't ugly either. His piercing green eyes and his soft curly hair that I always want to touch, and of course his perfectly white smile...ok mabye I liked him a lot. "so how's the tour so far?" I said nervously as I pushed a strand of my hair out of my face. " Great actually" he said and we started to have a conversation, and this time it wasn't awkward. His smile made my heart melt all over again. He always looked down at the ground and I could tell he was blushing. This was definetly going to be a fun year.

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