Dream. 12-21-2015

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We were Christmas caroling at my old elementary school. Me and my schools 2 top choirs. My sister was with me, the choirs were singing in the cafeteria. Outside the cafeteria was me, my sister, and a boy who was playing as Santa for the kids also part of our choir. We laughed and made jokes white the boy and soon a little blonde boy came up to me and pointed to a piece of paper. On this piece of paper was like a grid or something which had the date of 6-8 ending till 9-10 of November 2015, and I blanked. soon the choirs finished Christmas caroling and we went to carpool back home. Outside was dark and raining hard. As I looked back at the school, it kinda changed with more trees and weird walk out cages. Or something, like a second door they have to get out. All cage like. We soon went to the cars. I was walking in the light downfall next to a good friend of mine. We will call her Tailor, (she gave me a plush snowman before we left for winter break.) me and her were walking back to the cars and she starts running over to a I think a mustang with a red and black interior. I ran over too and asked if this was her cat and she said no. I sat inside, and so did she as the driver came and I saw it was a girl, I know her from my classes, and she had a twin. I asked if it was her and she soon started the car. But my friend Tailor left being replaced by another girl I have never seen before. We were soon driving to my house since it was close by. But her driving wasn't the best in the rain so I was kinda scared. Soon we stop near a gas station and are yelling about some sort of unicorns and then one appears and we leave again to my home. As we get near, we take a different route to get there, we pass by some buildings and I said, "I always wondered that maybe this was a small town and we just zoomed on by in like nothing." Soon we hit a hard turn and she didn't react fast enough and the road was slippery. We soon fell of it since it turned into a cliff. Me and the driver were soon outside and hanging on the cliff for dear life. The other girl I had completely forgotten about the other girl if she was under us or not. I was struggling to climb up in the rain making the cliff muddy and I was hoping the girl behind me was climbing to. Then I go into 3rd person perspective and I'm in another car. But the driver is listening to something, while driving inside a twisting tunnel. "Are there people here? Yes." And serve from the people eating in the corner. Then does the same and swerves from something even more unusual. A bear? A bear suit? And it's feeding a human. It does this cycle a couple times and soon the car is passing a ledge and its hearing something. It's says" another car up ahead." And goes back to me. I here a voice, "come and show me your beautiful self." I try and call out. "Help we are stuck on the side of the cliff!!! Help!!" Then I wake up.

Help?!?! Please?!?!?!?! There are people I know in this dream with dates and locations!! What the hell!!! It scared me so bad!! I woke up and started tearing up!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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