Chapter 2

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I turned on the bed. My arm touched nothing but a blanket, an empty part of the mattress, and a pillow. I sat up, reaching for my phone. It's early morning already.

"Hannah?"I called. There was no response. All that I heard was...vomiting sounds. you puke.

"Hannah?"I called again, this time more worried and alarmed. I found her in the bathroom, kneeling beside the toilet, probably puking her guts out.

She struggled keeping her hair from getting puked on, so I held it back for her.

"Jeez, Hannah, are you sick?"I asked. She didn't answer though. I rubbed her back. She only puked more. "Better out than in."I said.

"It's horrible!"Hannah looked up, then continued vomiting again. "Did you eat anything?"I asked. She shook her head, coughing.

Hannah stopped vomiting for a while and flushed the toilet, standing up to walk to the sink. I stood by her side, leaning casually on the wall by the sink. I had my arms crossed across my chest.

"You know you should watch what you're eating. You might get real sick."I told her. She just nodded, brushing her teeth.

She finished brushing her teeth and gave me a quick kiss. "I'll go make breakfast."She said, leaving me in the kitchen.

Sometimes I really feel that she already knows whats happening, and whatever it is that's happening now, she's hiding from me.


Hannah and I ate breakfast quietly as we watched the news on the television in the kitchen.

Celebrity non-sense went live on TV; I always thought that probably Justin Beiber broke up with Selena Gomez to get him back on the news.

Hannah silently ate her bacon until she clutched her stomach, and putting her other hand on her mouth ran to the kitchen sink and emptied her stomach, mostly bits of bacon coming out.

I quickly rushed to her side and held her hair again and rubbed her back. "Jeez, Hannah! Are you sick or anything? You can tell me so that we can get you to a hospital."I said.

She shook her head. "I'm fine."She insisted. "Hannah! Can't you see yourself? It really hurts me to see you like this, all...unwell! You've been puking your guts out since this morning, and--"

"Since last month, actually."Hannah admitted. She turned pale. "God Hannah, you're pale!"I said, the back of my hand feeling her forehead and neck to check if she has a fever.

"Don't go to work today first, hun. Just...go rest, maybe watch some TV, and--"

"I want ice cream."Hannah demanded. I can't do anything about it. She wants ice cream, I'll give it to her.

"Well...just stay here first, I'll go run to the store."I said.

"Make it rocky road! And also grab me some chips and fruit juice while you're at it, and cup noodles!"Hannah added.

I just nodded, remembering everything she said. Wait a second...

"But babe, you hate rocky road."I pointed out. She shrugged. "I know that. I know it's weird but I wanna eat it. That's all I want! Now just get me the freaking rocky road and everything I asked for or I swear to God I'll--"

She calmed herself down and walked over to me. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what happened, babe!"She said, kissing me.

"Anyway, I gotta run. Love you!"

"You too babe!"I ran out the door and headed to the store.


Why did they even name it rocky road?! I mean, I have nothing against it, and I love rocky road that I just ate it 3 times today, but of all names, WHY ROCKY ROAD?!

Is a rocky road supposed to taste like chocolate and all heavenly good stuff? No!

Roads taste like...roads! And rocky road is supposed to taste like roads...well, with rocks!

I had so much fun writing this chapter! Hope you have fun reading too.

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