"I never said this was a romantic trip" I scoff. "I invited you to come hoping you'd be polite to her. She's very special to me."

"And she wants you and is trying to steal you!"

When A says that, everything stops. I keep on repeating her last sentence in my head. Could it be?

"She's just a friend." I stutter.

"Maybe for you" She scoffs. "But she really does want something, Luke, and don't act like you don't know it. Have you ever considered she could just be using you for attention?"

"There's no reason for that." I shrug. "And we are just friends."

"You know what, Luke? Think whatever you want, you never listened to me anyway." And with that she leaves the room, slamming the door.

Jeez, she's so dramatic, even though her attitude has nothing on her words passing through my mind. But before I could exactly think about it, someone knocks on the door and I groan just at the thought it could be her already.

"We need to talk, bro." Michael grins, coming in.

"What's up?" I ask him.

Michael lays in my bed and grabs his phone, typing something before speaking again.

"I heard our guest got a little mad and left you here." He mocks. "What's today's reason?"

"She's jealous of Laurel." I roll my eyes, siting by his side. "She thinks Laurel is trying to use us for attention. And she also said something about her wanting me."

"Laurel wanting you?"

"Yeah, but I think A is just overreacting." I shrug.

"I don't know about Laurel, but you like her, don't you?" Michael asks me, and I feel my heart pounding faster.

"What are you talking about, Mikey? She's just a friend, she never showed any other interest in me." I admit, a little upset.

"So what? You still do like her. Come on, Luke, I've known you for quite some time. Say it."

"I thought we were here for you to try getting her." I mock.

"Please. Did you really think I was gonna try something with her? Bros before hoes, right? True, she's a babe and I wouldn't mind hooking up with her like I said, but since the day I met her I realized how you look at her. You've got a thing for Laurel, just admit it, goddamn!" Michael tells me, punching my shoulder.

"Wait a second, why is A here, then? Why did you want her here?" I'm so disbelieving right now I can't even think straight.

"Dude, you've always been her pet! Like, all the time! Remember we would always tell you to stop letting her be the boss? Today when she bitched around Laurel you checked her! You've never done this before, Luke! That was the proof I needed. You like Laurel." He states, crossing his arms.

I look at Michael, still trying to understand his plan. This whole time he manipulated me to find out if I did or did not like Laurel?

"But you told me I shouldn't text her, you said she could be using me. You said I should give up on it before it even started!"

"You're stubborn, Luke. At first I really thought you were better off without her but whenever you talked to her you looked different. That day on the plane when you got mad at us for saying Laurel could be taking advantage of you, I knew you had growing feelings for her, and I'm here to support you if you decide to give it a shot."

I stare at Michael for several moments, while linking up everything. Is he suggesting for me to try...?

"She's got a boyfriend, remember?" I hold my head on my hands.

"Austin? Nice kid, he's a nice kid. But I don't think they'll last." He replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"He's a douchebag." I curse, frowning.

"Which is why you should try! Come on, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"Hmm, let's see... she says no?" I scoff.

"Then at least you've tried. You're cool, there are a lot of girls you could get. Don't worry if it doesn't work out with one, but you must give it a shot. What do you say?"

The end!! Please comment and vote if you like it. Oh and share so others could have the opportunity to read it too!
Thanks for following the updates! I'm gonna be posting again soon like, within 3 days max! Hope you enjoyed it! Peace out xo

PS: yup, her name is Amanda! gotchaaaaa lol

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