Chapter 17 - Tour Promo...gotta start somewhere

Start from the beginning

"Hands off my Niall, Payne! He's mine." Louis shouts protectively whilst hugging Niall and rubbing his arm, where I'd punched him.

"Oi! What happened to us Lou?" Harry asks very seriously.

"I've moved on." Louis retorts.

"Fine, me too. Hold me Zayn!: Harry cries as he hugs Zayn and starts shuffling away from Louis.

Well, that esculated quickly. I don't even know what that was.

"You guys, are the strangest." I laugh.

"Shuddup Payne." Louis snorts and we all laugh. 

I was about to say ‘Whatever Tomlinson!’ when James our driver came in and said:

“Oi you lot! We ain’t got all day, now get inside before I gets into trouble for holden you goiz up.” His cockney accent was so thick I couldn't help but smirk at the way he pronounced his words.

***Several Hours Later***

I fiddle with my jacket buttons as we sat through the conference. It’d been going for a while now and I honestly am more bored than I should be.

“Thank you Uruguay and France for those lovely questions. Ok, now to finish up we have two more questions. One from ‘USA’ and one from ‘Australia’. The presenter announced.

Finally. I thought. It’s almost over and I can go and see Nat. God I miss her.

“First up we have Australia.” The presenter continued as he handed the mike to a reasonably short, middle aged women.

“Hi boys..I-“

“HI!!!” Harry replies.

“Yes, Hi. Australia is generally a standard country to end a tour with. Why the sudden want to bring the tour down under first up?” She asks.

I decide to take the question before one of the boys says it's coz of my girlfriend. I don't want to put Nat into the spotlight just yet.

“Well, many reasons. Firstly weather, secondly for the arena bookings and thirdly, just to mix it up. For the first time ever, Europe are seeing the tour last and we thought that was something most artists don’t do. So, why not?”

“Yeah we love Australia. Especially Melbourne, eh Liam?” Niall adds looking at me with a suggestive look.

“Yes we love Australia, thank you Niall. And Melbourne is exceptionally beautiful.” I clarify and I signal to the presenter to move on.

“Thank you Australia! And lastly we have America!”

“Boys, what can fans expect from this tour?” A bald, strangely, young man asks.

“Uhhr, I reckon the er…whole show is just, um…going to be er-bigger and the boys and I can’t wait. the stage is going to be bigger and er, the whole concert is going to be better.” Harry finishes for us and with that; we say our goodbyes and leave.

Thank god that was over! I say to myself before smiling for some photographers. After that, we hopped back into the van and headed home. I check my phone for any messages, either from management or family, and luckily enough I had a text. It was from Natalie.

From: Nat <3

To: Lili

Message:Li come home. Gotta surprise 4 u.



I smile as I read the text and quickly respond.

To: Nat <3


Message: kk. See u soon. Miss u so much lve. Xx :* Liam

And with that, I hit send.


Well wasn't that an eventful chapter -_-

Alright guys, this was definitely not a brilliant chapter but it's a filler. I have literaly planned out each individual chapter and I need you to hold onto your horses until chapter 24+ because that's when all the crazy shit is going to happen. TRUST MEH! 

I hope you all enjoyed the trailer, but if you missed it it's in the side bar for you to look at there. :)

Chapter is dedicated to @Muchachis123

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