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Author's Warning: Smut. Just like the title says. I've separated it with ■■■ and the (R) if you want to skip it. But be warned.


'He can't be gone. He just can't.' I thought as tears streamed down my face. I tried hopelessly to catch him as the shot echoed, I failed miserably and fell to the ground with him.

"Please don't leave me." I begged the blonde boy in my arms, pressing my forehead against his, "Newt!" I touched his face repeatedly, shaking his shoulders, frantically trying to get him to respond.

"And cut!" Someone shouted.

"Wow, that was intense. " I heard a voice behind me, I glanced and saw Dylan looking impressed.

"Are those actual tears? For me?" I heard his accent. I looked down and saw Thomas smirking at me.

"Newt!" I yelled, "You're alive!"
He sat up, taking me in his arms, I squeezed him back, laughing along with him.

"He's aliive!" I heard Ki rushing in and joining our hug, suddenly I was being pushed away on the floor by Dylan and Ki who were squishing Thomas.

"You know what?" I said getting up from the floor, "Screw you guys, I have Teresa right here!" I said as Kaya returned my hug, laughing at the Thomas sandwich.

"Yeah, we don't need them." She laughed as I kept my arm around her shoulder.

"That's it for today," the director spoke, "Go home, get some rest."


I walked with Kaya to our dressing room, leaving the guys to their bromance.

"I'm freezing." I said to her as I put my hoodie over my long sleeve.

"I thought you said you liked the cold." She asked as she put her hair up.

"Yeah." I said taking off my fake cuts from my face, "When you have someone to keep you warm."

"All you have to do is ask." She said. I looked from the mirror in front of me to my friend.

"I'm flattered, but I don't roll that way." I tried to hold in a laugh.

"Not me." She laughed, throwing a sock at me.

"Well you got to be a little more specific." I laughed, catching the sock and throwing it back.

A knock on the door interrupted our lame game of catch.

"It's probably your boyfriend. " she whispered to me as she walked past me to the door.

"Boyfriend?" I asked quietly, "Please, even my cat ran away from me." I said at normal volume.

She laughed as she opened the door to the three Gladers, letting them in. I turned back to the mirror, wiping the last of the fake blood off my face with a wet towel.

"We're going out to get a few drinks," Dylan said, making himself comfortable in our trailer, "You wanna come?"

"Sure." Kaya answered. I tossed the towel in the small hamper and turned in my chair to face them.

"I thought girls were supposed to be neat." I heard Ki say to Dylan as he tossed the sock on his lap.

"Well I don't want it either." He tossed it and hit Ki in the face, making him flinch.

One Shots| Thomas SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now