Chapter 3 A punch to the gut, a kick to the head, and a kiss to the lips

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So here is the third chapter. It's short, but steamy. If you are like, 10, you probably shouldn't be reading this. I you are 13+, then you should be fine. Well, enjoy ^.^

Chapter 3

A punch to the gut, a kick to the head, and a kiss to the lips.

(Ruka’s P.O.V)

  It’s been three months sense I joined the Freedom Fighter and you know what? I’m loving it. I get along great with everyone else. When Jet introduced me to them on my first night, they were a little reluctant to have me around. But after my first raid against the Fire Nation troops, they realized what a great asset I was to the team.

  I’ve gotten really close to Nana, a Fighter originally from a small Earth Kingdom Village. She was very fair and frail looking with a brutal scar across her chin. She looked like she couldn’t hurt a fly, which she used to her advantage. Nana’s probably the toughest person I know and could probably beat up Pipsqueak, despite his large build and brawny muscles.

  I’ve also been practicing my waterbending. I don’t have a teacher or anything, so at first I wasn’t very eager to try. But Jet told me that the first waterbenders had to teach themselves how to bend; so if they can do it, I can too. He was right.

  I’ve been getting the hang of it these past couple of days, practicing made up techniques on trees and fellow comrades. Nana is always first to volunteer as my punching bag. “If I can take a dozen punches to the face, surely I can survive some splashing water”, she always says.

  I’m hoping to get to the point where I don’t have to resort to fire bending. That person has been locked away in a cage somewhere and I’m trying to make sure she dies there. Running away means recreating myself completely. I have no mercy for the person I was and I don’t ever want to see her again.

  I began painting a small flame with a wave rushing over it. Last month I started painting a mural on one of the trees. It signified what I was feeling or thinking about at the time. So by now it was an inside look at my brain, not that anyone else knew that.

(Jet’s P.O.V)

  “Hey Smellerbee, Nana, do either of you know where Ruka is”, I asked impatiently. I had seen every one of my fighters today except for her. She’s the type to wonder around aimlessly and the last time she did, she got lost. Granted, she was a smart girl, just a smart girl with no sense of direction. “You seem tense, Jet. It’s unlike you to be worried about someone”, Nana said with a sly smile. “Could it be that you like her?” I crossed my arms and said, “Of course I like her. I like all the Freedom Fighters.” Smellerbee snorted while Nana raised her eyebrow at me.

  “I meant in a sexual way”, she said teasingly. I scoffed. She was right, of course. Ruka was a very attractive person, with her long, silky dark hair and fair, creamy skin. Her voice was clear and flirtatious without her even knowing it. The way she walked was elegant yet feisty, ready to strike. Her full lips and alluring, blue eyes made it impossible not to label her as desirable. But I wouldn’t admit that, especially not to Nana.

  “Just answer my question”, I demanded, tired of the conversation. Nana rolled her eyes and answered, “Painting trees.” I chuckled. The thought of painting trees just sounded so odd. But I guess that’s Ruka for you. When I saw her sitting on one of the branches, painting away, I decided to sneak up on her. I jumped from limb to limb, remembering which one made noise and which ones stayed silent.

  Now inches from a completely oblivious Ruka, I brought my arms around to cover her eyes and say, “Guess who.” She swatted me away playfully. “I can’t paint if I can’t see”, she stated. I took her paint brush and held it above her head. “You also can’t paint without your brush.” She made a few attempts to take it back, but failed. She stood up looking agitated. “Give. It. Back.” I jumped off the tree and yelled, “You’ll have to catch me!” She followed close behind, running at me full speed. I made my way to the nearby river and dived right it in. not my smartest decision.

  Ruka formed a lasso with her waterbending and reeled me to her side. I hadn’t realized how good she’s gotten. She punched my gut and took back her paint brush, smirking at my pain. “You’re pretty abusive”, I told her. She hit me again. “If you’d like, I could be like Nana”, she pointed out. I shook my head and said, “Please don’t.” She laughed and splashed me playfully. I splashed back and we started a splashing battle.

  As the battle raged on, Ruka began running away, laughing. She had no problem running through the water, where I was having a bit more trouble. I began swimming after her. When I caught up, she put her feet up, resulting in her kicking me in the head. Slightly angry, I pushed her down in the water.

  As we both sunk deeper, I realized how close our bodies were. Ruka blushed and pushed me away. When we both rose to the surface, I realized just how embarrassed she was. Her face was burning red and her eyes were staring down at the water. Suddenly my male instincts kicked in and I pressed my lips against hers.

  She froze up immediately, uncertain how to react. But slowly she relaxed and kisses back. I brought my arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. She put her hands around my neck and tousled my hair. The kiss began growing more passionate as we grinded against each others bodies. I lick her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She granted it happily.

  I then began exploring her mouth with my tongue, wanting to memories every last bit of it. We started playing with each other’s tongues, battling for dominance. Surprisingly enough she won, and she began copying my movements, wondering around with her tongue. After what seemed like a century, we broke apart.

  “Not bad, for a rooky”, I said. She blushed and looked into my eyes. “How did you know that was my first kiss”, she asked. “I could tell by your uncertainty. But don’t worry, you caught on fast”, I answered. She smiled. “I’m glad you were the first”, she said. I brought her in for another, warm, loving kiss.

Well there you have it. I promise you that the next chapter will be a lot longer and will also lead us into book 2. We'll make new friends and get ticked off at the ones we already have. I hope you enjoyed! Astalapasta ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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