The Beginning

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It all started when a cop called John Miller that got a call saying that someone living in the rich part of the city is stealing from the poor people... So he heads straight to this guy's house but no one is inside, he asks about the owner and the neighbors say that his name is Danny Sharp and that he hasn't come to it in a while, John was confused about what was going on, so he goes to his friend Alex that lives in a street full of gangsters, but here was the shock when he finds out that Alex was murdered... A car on fire next to his house and his burned body inside of it, John searches the area and finds a fuel can so he assumed that Alex was murdered, So the good officer calls his captain Stephanie and asks for a permission to bring Alex's neighbors to the police department and she did gave him the permission... Every neighbor said the same thing "i was minding my business and i heard a gun shot" but a guy called Big Albert said that he heard five deagle shots which was very specific and was suspected because big Albert said that he was showering when it happened.

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