Holiday Munch Challenge

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Okay so I was challenged by TheOculusRift  to do this challenge
And yeaaaaaahhh
I get so lonely and then you guys challenge me and I'm like yesssssssss.
So let's get to it 😝
What do you hope to find under the Christmas tree?
Umm, a sweet guy...
Healing for my broken soul????
No I'm just kidding.
A cute shirt, a cute dress, a cute skirt.
The winner's kiss, and Waterfalls (books)
And then sharpies.
So yeah
I have a life...
It consists of wearing cute clothing and reading in the park and drawing at my desk.
Mainly wearing cute clothes to hide what a book reading nerd and artsy, poetic freak I am.
So yeah.
Just vented my soul.
If you had one kiss under the mistletoe who would it be?
Soooooo 😊
Okay I want to tell you names but if I tell you, you might now them and this would be creepy. So TheOculusRift don't tell people.
So there's like three choice guys....
We're not going there.
Now this isn't one specific guy but like this is how we'd kiss. He'd be cute and kinda childish about it and he'd carry the mistletoe in his hand. I'd be talking about how this is the best Christmas and then he'd say "You wanna make it better?"  And he'd dip me and hold up the mistletoes and then I'd kiss him...
Was that too vivid?
You know what screw it, I can think about my future romance...
Name one New Years resolution
Okay so to be more optimistic.
(To eat less food)
I Actually could do that one I'm as skinny as heck but I snack a lot which isn't really a healthy habit even if I never gain any weight.
Favorite Holiday Character
Uhhhh like the girl who gets kissed under the mistletoe in any romantic but sappy, all the same,hallmark Christmas movie!!!!!!!!
Traditionally tho I have to go with rudolf because he got good BAE!!!!
But that little guys got spirit!!!
What is the true meaning of this holiday?
Straight up goals there^^^.
But love your newborn.
Love your neighbor,
Love your friends,
Love your family,
Love the woman who gave birth to you,
Love the guy who helped,
(Or not)
And love your True Love!!!
Based on this years conduct what list do you think you would be on?
I have nothing else to say to that.
I do have the right to remain silent.
What movie do you plan on watching before 2016?
The Notebook
Or maybe like
The Princess Bride...
I am aware these are romance movies...

Okay so my my favorite part...
Guys just do the questions above and have a Merry Christmas! 

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