Chapter 1

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It was a cold, autumn evening. I was sat in a tree, swinging my legs, reading a book as I leaned against the trunk of the tree. I was humming softly, running a hand through my blonde hair.  Until I heard footsteps, a small twig crack, I looked doqn and smiled. Azusa Mukami. I jumped down,  running to him "Chiyo-chan..." he whispered, smiling as he hugged me,  bandaged arms holding me tightly. "Hello, Azusa-kun" I said with a small smile. We are both the same age, 16. We met in class.  He soon broke away, noticing the book in my hands " me" he whispered, I nodded, sitting down, he sat by me, then soon let his head rest on my legs.

I started from the beginning, whispering the words in a soft, almost motherly tone as I stroked his soft hair, smiling.  It was a small moment,  but a nice one. I was blushing, though,  still not used to Azusa's gestures.  Then more footsteps. Kanato came into view pretty quickly, looking at me and Azusa, smiling fakely at us. It would turn real once Azusa was gone, though. "Chiyo-chan, its almost dinner time, you should get home, I am thirsty too" Azusa lifted his head, giving my cheek a small peck of his lips, before waving and disappearing.  I got up,Kanato smiling "Come on"

In all honesty, I didn't want to go home, not when I had done something.  Out of spite,  I broke Shu's earphones. I can be strong at times,  but I am mostly weak. I knew he was going to hurt me when I got home. I knew it so god damn well. "Chiyoko, are you alright?" I smiled fakely, nodding.  He smiled back. He was lying, by the way. He doesn't drink my blood,  he thinks it's wrong to treat me like that.

We soon arrived home,  I was shaking at the very thought of what Shu could do to me. He was sick. He did the worst things...he even molested me before.  I...hated this so much. I couldn't run, it would be pointless, after all. Kanato and I parted ways after a quick hug, I walked towards the dining room, to eat alone.  My brothers didn't need food, but I needed it to survive.

I yelped, feeling something grab my wrist,  I turned my head, whimpering when I saw who it was. Shu. I tried pulling away, but he simply pulled me to his room. "N-no! Stop, please" I yelled, he chuckled "then don't greak my stuff" he dragged me into his room, pushing me onto the bed and smirked as he pinned my shaking body down "so...helpless" he whispered before leaning in, sinking his fangs deep into my neck,  sucking my blood. He bit in multiple places, holding my wrists so tightly that they were almost breaking. There was nothing that I could do. He chuckled, sitting on my hips,  wiping the blood from his lips "would've been worse if you broke my violin" he said, smirking as he walked off, locking the door so I couldn't get out, too weak to teleport. I hugged my kmees, crying softly for someone, ...anyone to save me. I soon heard quick knocks "Chiyo-chan, Chiyo-chan, what happened?!" I heard Kanato's worried voice. "S-Shu drank my blood, th-then l-left me here, I am too weak to teleport out" I explained with a voice shaking like a leaf.

"Wait..." Kanato soon appeared, running over and hugged me close, telepirtjng back out,  taking me to his room, sitting me on his bed, bandaging my wounds, smiling reassuringly. Once done,  he kissed my forehead. "Sleep in here tonight, I'll protect you" he whispered, I nodded, laying down,  he crawled in beside me and hugged me close, singing 'Scarbough Fair' to me softly as I fell into a deep sleep.

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