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"Luke, I'm boooooooored," You whined. It was a boring day, you and Luke couldn't think of anything to do. "Do you wanna go to Starbucks with me? I'm meeting a friend of mine." Your boyfriend smiled.

"Yeah, sure!" Your face lit up. You're always looking forward to meeting Luke's friends.

"So who's this friend anyway?" You asked Luke as you were walking. "Alex. We only met a two months ago but now we're really close."

You mouthed an 'oh' in response. You've finally reached Starbucks, and you excitedly walked inside with Luke following.

Luke approached a table where a boy was sitting. He looks quite familiar.

"Hey mate!" Luke greeted. "Luke!" Luke's friend stood up to give him a hug. Your eyes went wide as you took a proper look at the boy. It's not just a plain old Alex, it's----

"Alex, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is Alex. Alex---"

"A-Alex Gaskarth!" You finished for him, your eyes still wide. You've been a huge fan of All Time Low ever since you were a young teenager. And you never expected to meet their lead singer at Starbucks. And you never expected him to be your boyfriend's friend.

"Oh, I guess you know me." Alex flashed a grin. You were still standing there, frozen and starstruck. Once you've processed the fact that you actually met Alex Gaskarth, you broke out into a huge smile. You excitedly turned to Luke, who only glanced at you flatly. "I'll go order our drinks." He excused himself, heading to the counter.


Luke had returned with the drinks. "Hey guys." But what he got as response was your loud laugh at Alex's joke. You two had got along well. He scowled quietly as he sat down.

"How's life treating you, Luke? Looks like you got lucky," Alex chuckled, nodding to you. "Yeah, I did." He grinned.

You hated being the center of attention, so you immediately changed topic, which brought you and Alex to another conversation. You didn't notice, but Luke was staring at you with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.


Alex had already left for some important matters, so you and Luke decided to leave too. "Best day ever." Your mouth was tired of smiling really wide, but you still couldn't stop.

"Why are you so heart eyes over Alex?" Luke sighed. "Well first of all he's very inspiring. Then he got amazing hair, lovely smile, great singer, very talented guitarist, best shredder------"

"W-what?!" He turned to you with his eyes wide.

"What's wrong? I'm just------ Oh. Luke, are you jealous?" You stifled a laugh.

"N-no! The way you look at him is just.... different." He frowned.

"Luke," You chuckled. "I'm yours and only yours, alright? I just admire Alex for his great passion for music and his amazing tal----"

"Okay, okay, stop complementing him!"

"Stop being jealous!" You pinched his cheeks.

"As long as you are not leaving me for another lead singer." Luke demanded.

"Whatever suits you, Hemmings."

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