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Sasamori was smiling from ear to ear. Class was over and they were only a few weeks away from summer break. She really wanted to talk with Mizushima-san again, but she also didn't want to expose him any further. She had already greeted him, loudly, when he was walking into school. Her face fell slightly.

Asahi-chan suddenly peered into her friends face.

"You're thinking about Toru, aren't you?"

Sasamori quickly jumped back and tried to hide her apple red face.

"W-w-wh-what makes you say that's?" she asked hurriedly.

"Well with that reaction who else would you be thinking about?"

Asahi's phone dinged. Hijiri leaned against a desk and waited for the two girls while Asahi checked her phone.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she read the message. She then turned to Hijiri.

"Has Toru said anything to you?"

That caught them both by surprise.

"Like what?"

"Tokita says he's acting weird."

"What do you mean, what's wrong with Mizushima-san?" Sasamori asked worriedly.

Was he falling back into his old habits of not telling them anything.

"Well he hasn't said anything to me," said Hijiri.

"I swear, come on Koyuki," Asahi looked pretty annoyed.

"Where are we going?"

"To find that idiot and get some answers."

"That won't be to hard," said Hijiri.

They both looked at him. He was looking out the window.


"Looks like he's heading home early."

"What, aren't we supposed to go to the library to study together?"

"Yeah the exams are in two weeks."

"Well maybe he forgot."

"That's rich."

Asahi grabbed Sasmori's hand and pulled her out the door.

"Wait! Asahi-chan our bags!"

Hijiri shook his head. He leaned down and picked up the two girls bags. Thankfully both of them were pretty organized and had packed up before last bell.

He sighed as he made his way after them. He met up with Tokita and Kuga as he walked out the door.

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