Christmas Tree

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Recently you had moved in with your boyfriend Henry and it was Christmas time. You had gone out to a farm with his family to pick out a tree. The whole Charming Softball Team was there.

Roland,now about 11 years old,was running around trying to help you pick out a tree after he picked out the one for his house with Robin and Regina.

"How bout this one?!" He would shout across the lot,tugging you from tree to tree. Each time they would be too big,too small,or too tall. You insisted you would know your tree when you saw it. Each time,Henry would smile at you and kiss your temple.

Finally you made it to the final row,right in front of the little shop where they sold hot chocolate. Every other tree was lit up in white Christmas lights. When Roland dragged you to a medium sized tree,you knew it was The One.

"Henry!" You called out behind you. When you turned around,he was whispering with Mary Margaret, David, Emma and Regina. When you called for him,they all turned to look at you with bright, expectant smiles. Mary Margaret's eyes were watery.

"Are they okay?" you asked

"Uh,yeah just excited." He muttered

"They're that excited because I picked a Christmas tree?"

"Well,uh no..." Henry pulled you to the middle of the path the light up trees on both sides created. You became confused when you saw Emma filming,

"This was supposed to be romantic." He muttered to himself.

"What?" You asked. Henry shook his head.

"Y/N,you know that I love you very much." Henry began,and you raised your eyebrow, "and I know you love me too."

Henry got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

"Oh,oh my god,really?" You gasped,tears gathering in your eyes.

"Yes,really. I know that this really isn't ideal because our families are watching,but I don't care. I love you with all my heart and I want everybody in all the realms to know." He said.

"Yes. Yes! A hundred times yes!" You exclaimed. You let him put the ring on your finger and through yourself into his arms.

This is not where I intended for this story to go but I don't care. Merry Christmas.

Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now