He brushed off my request, now grinning at me. My eyes widened slightly as he got to his feet. His height was much the same as Harry's, towering over me. But I refused to let him know he was intimidating me, despite what I had heard of his reputation with women. I stood my ground.

"And what's your name?"

He was patronising me, speaking to me like he would a little girl. I gulped as he bent down slightly. My fright mixed with anger, he obviously didn't take me seriously.

"Just call off the fight!" I raised my voice.

His eyebrows rose with my tone as he stared at me.

"Well, aren't we feisty." He teasingly spoke.

My head turned swiftly with the sound of Harry's raspy voice. Even from down the corridor he could still be heard.

"Where the fuck is Bo!?"

Amused laughing brought my attention back to the man I was confronting.

"Are you Bo? Because I don't think Harry is very happy with you." He smirked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm about to get ready beat the shit out of your boyfriend." His voice holding an eerie darkness.

He was taking pleasure in my desperation. I knew, knew that he wouldn't back down, neither would Harry. But I still clung onto that tiny shred of hope that this would all end. Harry would walk away and we could forget. But that was a wish I realised would never come true. Tears sprung in my eyes. He turned as I tried to reach out to him, gripping his wrist.

"Please..call off the fight." I weakly pleaded.

It was then I felt a strong arm wrap round my waist from behind. My feet left the ground as I was hoisted up and removed from the room. Harry's heavy breathing could be felt on the back of my neck. We got to about half way down the corridor before I was placed back on my feet and sharply spun round. He looked furious.

"Are you fucking crazy? Bo, I told you to stay with Tom." He fumed. "You know what that guy has done and yet you still go and confront him. What were you thinking?"

I couldn't reply, speechless as I dropped my head. Harry's surprise was evident as I flung my arms round his neck, clinging to him as I cried.

"P-Please don't do this." I sobbed quietly into his chest, my despairing tears wetting his t shirt.

I heard him heavily sigh, wrapping me protectively within his embrace. His chin rested on the top of my head, his breathing beginning to balance out. We stood for a moment before I jumped upon someone shouting Harry's name. He tried to encourage me to walk with him down the hall, but I only tighten my grip. My legs were knocked out from beneath me, Harry holding me to the warmth of his chest as I nuzzled my face into his neck.

He was silent as he carried me back to the room in which I had evaded Tom's watchful eye.


"We'll see you out there, mate." Tom spoke.

He turned to me, flicking his head in indication for me to follow after him.

"She stays with me." Harry confirmed.

There were a few seconds of quiet before Tom nodded and reluctantly left the room. I was sat on the table at the back once again, Harry's green gaze locking with mine before he swiftly removed his top. I numbly watched as he tugged down his jeans, which he replaced with his pair of navy shorts.

He strolled over to me, a small smile on his face. I allowed him to part my knees, Harry's body standing comfortably between my thighs. Large hands were placed round my lower back, sliding me forward slightly. Harry's dark curls tickled lightly at my skin as he dipped his head, plump lips going to my ear.

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