Chapter One- Just The Beginning...

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Hi everyone,

So this is my mystery story. It's been up on Wattpad for a little while but I've decided to change it up a little bit! Any votes, comments and follows are appreciated- thanks for clicking on this story and I hope you enjoy reading it, I certainly enjoyed writing this chapter!



Chapter One- Just The Beginning...

I sat down at the pearly kitchen table, made from samples of marble with the rest of my family- Uncle Joe and Aunt Sal were on one side of the table whilst me, dad and Chrissie sat on the other side, digging into the meal that had been prepared by my father. I began to grab the snappy kitchen utensil out of the salad bowl and picked myself up a little bit of lettuce, carrying it over to my plate, in a slow motion. I finally decided to speak, breaking the awkward stream of silence that had do instead the atmosphere.

"This looks lovely dad, really... It tastes delicious!" I turned immediately to the left, showing my father I was impressed with the effort he'd put in for my birthday.

Dad smiled, placing his square-rimmed glasses on the tip of his nose. "No worries Bec, it's the least I could do for you considering that you start your new case tomorrow."

"Oh yeah," chipped in my non-identical twin sister addressing our aunt and uncle, "I hear she's going to this creepy, old place down by the sea. Apparently it has one of those reputations for being a ghost destination. The forest right next to the place is where all the ghost sightings take place. Groups of teenagers go down on Halloween as a dare and some groups of the, have been so completely shocked by what they've seen they never even speak of the place."

I faced Chrissie and she flicked her blonde hair behind her shoulder and gave me a sly smile, pouting her lips slightly as if she was mocking me. "Very funny, Chris. Anyway there's no point even trying to wind me up because you know far too well I'm not scared of a single thing. I've solved a case before and I'm going to solve another. Just you wait and see..."

Chrissie choked on one of those plum tomatoes for a second. The ones with the green pips and the sour taste, "Yeah, good luck with that!" She mimicked, snorting with laughter.

I nudged her playfully. She almost spilled her glass of water, but stopped herself just in time.

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad," began Aunt Sal "Your sisters just trying to wind you up, Becky. Just ignore her- You'll be absolutely fine, Doll."

'Doll' is something Aunt Sal has called me since I was practically a baby in a crib. It's her little nickname for me, I guess. Chrissie tries (not with much effort) not to laugh every time she addresses me by that ridiculous and overly embarrassing name but I know that she's just trying to divert attention from herself so Aunt Sal won't give her a disastrous nickname. Oh well, I guess it means she likes me better, enough to call me a special name.

"Thanks Aunt Sal, I'm glad someone's on my side!" I exclaimed, facing Chrissie and looking less than amused with her plan to aggravate me.

Chrissie covered her hand with her mouth, giggling profusely, "Apparently-"

Dad raised his hand to his mouth and gestured for her to keep quiet. I don't even know why she bothers- she doesn't scare me. Nothing does. I guess that's a good quality to have as a private detective, but I'm never too sure about that.

There are some who can be a little too fearless. And I hoped that I wouldn't become one of those people.

Dad tapped me on the back, as if reassuring me. "Ignore her Bec, you'll be fine....."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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