Chapter Two

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Everything hurt. There was no peace in his mind anymore, just anger, sadness and hurt. No, this wasn't the pain he was used to. Not anymore. It was an awful burning sensation that began at the core of his being, and speared through his soul. The pain spread from his chest to his fingertips, fogging his mind and blocking out any rational thoughts.

Mettaton couldn't control himself. He needed to inflict this pain onto another being. He needed to kill something... Anything... He felt a sharp pang of fear, before shaking his head wildly in an attempt of ridding these awful, demonic thoughts from his brain.

It had began as a somewhat habit a few years ago, and he would off one of the small monsters he found near or, very occasionally, inside the lab. It had felt so amazing, so deliciously hideous and sadistic, that Mettaton just couldn't help himself. He would turn from a complete primadonna to a killing machine in a moments notice.
He had though he'd broken the habit but... No... It was coming back...

Mettaton shuddered, before he felt himself completely lose control to his bloodlust. He felt a need to wrap his hand around someone's neck and snap their spine. To slowly puncture someone's lungs and watch the life in their eyes slowly fade away as they died in a painful manner. Mettaton did not care who or what he killed, he would just pick whoever he laid eyes on next. He slowly got to his feet and swung open the door to his room, making his way down the stairs.
He was still staying with Sans and Papyrus, and recalled Sans leaving to go to Grillby's. He would likely be gone for a while, certainly long enough for Mettaton to enjoy himself.

He knew that Sans's naive brother was preparing something in the kitchen, presumably spaghetti. He began to imagine how exhilarating it would feel to smash his skull on the countertop. Or to pin him down and shatter his bones, one by one.  The very thought made him shiver in sadistic delight. He simply couldn't wait, this was the perfect opportunity! His bastard of a brother was gone, and definitely wouldn't be able to make it home in time, even if he could somehow tell Papyrus was about to be murdered.

Very stealthily, trying to stifle a giggle of insanity, the now murderous robot peered around the kitchen corner where Papyrus was working. He quickly recoiled when the skeleton noticed his presence.

"Oh, hi Mettaton!" Papyrus exclaimed happily. "Do you want some spaghetti?"

"No thank you darling, I'll be fine." Mettaton chuckled, approaching Papyrus's side and standing almost awkwardly close to him.

"Oh..." He looked down sadly, glancing up to see if the robot's face had any signs of pity or reconsideration. By now, Mettaton would have broken and tried some of the skeleton's cooking. But that Mettaton was not the same as the one that was standing next to him. He was a different person now.

"Now, there's a special request I must ask of you..." Mettaton said, giving a deceivingly warm smile.

"Really? Is it something only I, the Great Papyrus, can take care of?" Papyrus said excitedly, and immediately grinned.

"Yes... I must ask you not to scream to loudly, darling..."

"Can do! W-wait wh-"

Before he could finish, Mettaton lunged for Papyrus, his metal fingers curling around his neck. Papyrus yelled, and tried desperately to shove the robot off him.

"What are you doing Metta?! Stop! It hurts!" He shrieked as several sharp hits were aimed at his head. He didn't retaliate, not wanting to hurt his friend. This must be some sort of cruel joke... Right?

"I told you not to scream, love..." Mettaton almost purred and pinned his new victim against a wall, forcing him against it until a crack was heard, signifying that something in the skeleton had broken.

"Please, stop! This isn't you, Mettaton! You wouldn't hurt me!" Papyrus screamed as he felt a pain sear through his arm, a bone having just broken there. "I don't want to hurt you!"

"Hurt me? Hurt your dear friend Mettaton?" He feigned a pout, but his black lips curled upwards into a cruel smile. "Why would you be so cruel, Pap, as to hurt me?"

"This isn't you! Stop! You're going to end up hurt!" Papyrus shuddered at the use of his usually quietly, admiringly spoken nickname being used in this situation.

"Why are you talking about hurting me? Why would anyone ever want to harm such a sweet star like me..?" Mettaton gave an insane giggle as he extended his arm to hit Papyrus's skull. Before he could land his blow, the skeleton's now free hand shot up and grabbed his forearm.

"I. Told. You. To. Stop."

One of Papyrus's eyes glowed a fierce, fiery orange, seeming to be a fire inside his hollow body. This was an ability that people only knew present in his brother.

Mettaton gave a loud gasp as he was thrown to the floor, Papyrus standing over him.

"You aren't going to kill anyone." Papyrus growled, a major change from his usual, happy attitude. "Or, you will die where you stand."

"Oh, will I now?" The robot laughed, regaining his posture. "Tell me, h-"

He was harshly thrown against a wall before he could take one step closer to the fuming skeleton he had once loved. Papyrus once again loomed over him as the robot's breaths quickened. Before he could begin to speak, Mettaton quickly rose to his feet and tackled him to the ground, straddling his torso and giving and evil smile.

"Stop!" He yelled, with no compliance of his request. He gasped as he felt his already broken arm crack even more. Mettaton pretended to think deeply about stopping his sadistic acts, before reaching out to snap Papyrus's neck. He was only stopped by the skeleton's hand making extremely gentle contact with his chest, causing him to flinch.

"You have a heartbeat..." He whispered, seemingly amazed. "I've always wanted a heartbeat..."

"Yes, they're great. To bad you'll never get to have one..." Mettaton said as he tried to nudge the hand away so he could continue.

"People like you don't deserve a heartbeat."

Suddenly, Papyrus had thrown Mettaton off him, both eyes aflame. The robot tried to shove him back down, but the skeleton wouldn't budge. He began to fear for himself. Would his used-to-be victim take revenge?
Papyrus bent down so he could be level with Mettaton, sending shivers down the robot's back. His flaming orange eyes bore into Mettaton's soul, almost as if he was trying to burn him.

Suddenly, everything came rushing back. He had hurt Papyrus. The poor skeleton who had taken care of him for two weeks now while Alphys was away with Undyne. The one who had stayed with him out of the purity of his heart when he was trembling over that thunderstorm just a few nights back. The one who would happily try to help anyone that requested it. The one he had been in love with, and now his feelings would never be returned.

"I'm s-sorry..." Mettaton breathed, seeing all the damage he had caused. A crack running up Papyrus's arm, chips in the bone in other places and others. "I c-couldn't control m-myself... I-"

The lights in Papyrus's eyes faded and he crawled towards the robot, as if to comfort him. Mettaton's face turned even more fearful as he backed away and struggled to get up.

"G-get away from m-me!" He managed to get out. "I d-don't want to h-hurt you again..."

Before Papyrus could say anything to stop him, Mettaton bolted out of the room. He threw open his bedroom door amd flung himself onto his bed, already sobbing extremely hard.

"What the hell have I done?!"

My Fatal Flaw/ PapytonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora