Update About me

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- Favorite color(s): Red, blue, black
- Favorite animal: Again I seriously love almost all animals but my favorite would be once again the red panda.
- Dislikes: Bullies, Rude people, Bugs, the ocean/rivers/streams/lakes (as in swimming in them), being hated, the darkness, being ignored, peekaboo and pop tart commercials
-likes: Music, art, reading, writing, swimming (in pools), sleeping, movies, Netflix, anime, YJ, Ninjago, TMNT
- favorite people: family, Rider, Lilly, Alex, Mike, Bre, Haley (pretty much any of the people I consider family on wattpad)
- favorite couple: Alex & Rider! (they are the most fabulous couple ever!! I love both of them ♡♡♡♡♡)
- relationship status: Single, yup I hug the singleness tree now *hugs the single tree*

welp yeah that's it I can't think of anything else I should say :P
XD silly jaguar he's eating his own tail!

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