Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Grandad

this is only the first chapter i've wrote so far, so please read it and comment your own opinions please xx




My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it was going to jump out from my chest. The shadow I had seen before at the front of the alley had disappeared. Just gone into the darkness that covered the alley. Well at least I hoped it had.

As my heart started to calm down, I began walking again. I could see the light at the end of the alley way so I knew I was almost there, almost out of the place that made me fell so on edge, scared. Yet it didn’t make me feel any better, instead it made me feel worse, A lot worse. I could hear footsteps coming from behind me, the same footsteps I thought I had been imagining before.

I had to turn around, just to see who it was, but as I turned around the shadow that outlined a person was standing right there, behind me, just staring straight at me. Then I fell, straight into his arms, his steady strong arms.

 I laid there for just a second, just staring up into eyes, his dazzling emerald green eyes. And then as I steadied myself, he was gone.

“Autumn, come on or we’ll be late.” Said Georgia who was standing beside Ella. Both of them were my best friends, and had been since we were little.

Most people at school thought that they were twins being as they had the same personalities, and were both the same height at around 5ft 3 inches. They both had the same mid-length straight chestnut brown hair, and brown eyes. They also both have boyfriends who play on the football team, both of them good looking guys.

It was just me, I was the odd one out. I didn’t have the same personality as either of them, I didn’t have a boyfriend, and we looked absolutely nothing a-like.

For I, was what most people would call a girlie girl; yet I’d rather spend more time achieving the best possible exam results than go out with boys. I was at least about 5 inches taller than both of them, I had blue eyes and the main difference was that I was blonde.

But anyway, there they were standing by the school gates with their boyfriends, (Sam and Chris) waiting for me to join them.

It was like, I was their leader, Like I was the one that had to make all the decisions on what to do, and they just followed me.

It was the first day of the new term; the teachers say that we should use this term to improve our standard of work. As if half the students actually do that, I thought to myself. Most of them just act the same way the whole year round, not giving any shit about their education. But most of the people just try to improve, but end up failing. Only smart asses, like me, got outstanding exam results the whole year round.

But as per usual, at the start of every term, every pupil have to sit in form for an hour, listening to the form teacher’s talk about the upcoming exams and all the other shit happening in the school. And this term, it was our form that was getting a new student.

Our teacher Mrs Harley, had briefly explained to use at the end of the last term that we were getting a new student, but she happened to miss out whether their male or female, or if they’re stunningly beautiful or darn right ugly. That was what everybody wanted to know.

“Autumn, come on,” Ella said. “or we’re going to be late.”

“It’s only form, it’s not that big a deal.” I replied.

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