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The street was lit with a single light. It's almost curfew. If I get caught out here after curfew I'll be beaten. I start to jog. I know this area of Atlin not the best area to be before curfew. I feel a small bump on my shoulder. I turn to see a guard.
"Sorry" I say to him and start to walk away
I feel a tug on my hair. The guard pulls me to the ground with my hair.
"You don't run into officers ever" he says in my ear.
He lets go of my hair only to kick me back down. I wince from the pain. Looking up at the officer gives me a bother kick this time to the face. He grabs my hair again this time he slams my face into the brick wall the was next to us. I hit the ground hard. The guard chuckles and walks away as I lie on the ground blood seeping out of the open gash in my head. I curl up into fetal position and wait for the morning. Only minutes later I hear a car pull up on the street. I lift my head so slightly to see what it is. The mark of the king of Illea is on the side and two figures dressed in suits step out of the car. One walks strait to the open door the other looking around. I let my head drop the effort of holding it up was too great. I close my eyes wiling the pain away. I feel a hand in my shoulder and tense up. The hand lifts my head to his lap and I see the most gorgeous face I've seen.
"P-prince L-Lukus?" I whisper in shock "What, Who, How, why are you here?" I ask
"My father had a import deal and he didn't trust me home alone so he brought me along," he says "you know my name but what's yours? And why are you lying on the ground?" He asks
"My name is Kamber Edwards. A guard beat me up so I'm lying on the ground... oh and I'm a 7" I say solemnly
"What did you do to deserve this beating up" he says with a smile
It take all the strength I can muster but I smile back "I bumped into him on the wag back from my job" I say
His face grow grim "you bumped into h-"
"Lukus Jace Shreaves get over here now" the King calls
He stands up and kisses my hand "you will be ok I promise... oh and if I were you I would sign up for the selection...
1st chapter:) hope you like it. Btw there are going to be rebel attacks and all the same technology as in maxons time. Also sorry if I spell things wrong spelling is not my forte:):):):)

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