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After school i have made plans to go to the beach but my mum thinks i am gonna be at the library.
After school we went to this cute little restaurant beside the beach.
After that we walked down to the beach , we lay in the sun for a while and then i got a phone call from my mum ;
-sofia come home!- she said
- okay mum- i replied
On the way to the car , a man came up to us and said :
- can you please help me put my stuff in the car , i had a back injury and i have just has the operation 2 months ago .
- yes okay. - we replied
-thank you,thank you,your far to kind.
After helping he he said if we would mind moving his beach chair from the back seat to the boot . As we got it to the car he closed the doors and locked the car , the way the windows were blacked out no-one could hear or see us , he got into the car and started to drive , we asked him various times where we were going but he kept saying :
-it will all be over soon.
We had no idea what was happening after about one hour of driving we finally stopped he got us out and put us in the boot he said that if we try and get out bad things will happen to us .
He could not see us in the boot so i lifted my phone and called 911 :
-emergency services , whats your emergency?
-me and my friend have been kidnapped .( i said shaking)
-okay, i need you to stay calm.
Im going to need your name.and the place of kidnapping
- at blue bay beach ,sofia dilorentes , and abigale carolina herrera sofia catalina paulina sakoff
- okay can you describe the person that took you?
-okay i need you to tell me okay!
-male or female?
-tall or small?
-dark skin?
-no ,white
-eye color?
-i dont know he was wearing glasses .
-your doing really well, do you remember the vehicle?
-yes its a white dacia, with blacked out windows.
- okay .
-im scared
-dont worry, i need you to tell me how long you think you have been driving for?
-about an hour and a half
-okay, can you identify where you are ,motor way.. , country side...
-I cant wee are in the boot.
-okay , i need you to see if you can listen to the sound and tell me where you think you are.
-okay i can hear ,other cars its very noisy.
-okay , im going need you to go into the settings on your phone and turn on your location.
-okay, done
-thank you , okay i know where you are , im sending a rescue team right now
-im scared
-dont worry they are on their way .
- HELP! We have stopped ,i have to hang up
-dont hang up.!!
He grabbed us and took us to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.

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