Part 1

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| IMAGINE for @athousandwishes1000 |

"Hurry, Y/N. Quickly now." Elrond, your father, ushers quietly, grabbing your hand. Both of you run through Dol Guldur silently. "Up ahead, father." You whisper, pointing to where the lady Galadriel and Gandalf are. You both gracefully skid to a stop and pull out your Elvish swords. You look around at the Wraithlike figures, climbing through Dol Guldur. Fear drops into your stomach. "You should have stayed dead." Elrond says, before you both dive into the mess, fighting against the Nine with Saruman the White. You block a strike one makes and then you push him back, knocking him off the cliff. For a long while, the fighting continues until your grandmother, lady Galadriel, stands up and holds out the light of Eärendil. You get behind her, your father's loving arms around you, as she banishes the Nine.
When Galadriel is finished, she is weak. She stumbles backwards, and Elrond and you catch her in your arms. "Grandmother." You breathe worriedly, as she grips on to you. You look up at your father, your eyes wide in horror. Elrond cups your face and gives you an encouraging smile, though his eyes betray him. "She's just weak, Y/N. We have to get her back to Lorien." He explains. "Take her there, Elrond and Y/N. Leave Sauron to me." Saruman grunts out. Elrond pulls Galadriel into his arms and stands. You hold her hand in yours, following them.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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IMAGINE: Elrond and you fighting together in Dol GuldurWhere stories live. Discover now