Ch 1. The ducks

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I was in my tent early in the morning when I find the perfect opportunity to chase some ducks and maybe even catch one.

I realise that its just 3 in the morning.

I lie back down and start to hear the ducks quacking. I hear footsteps. My heart is racing now. I grab my bow and one arrow. I stand up and peek out the tent.

There stands Andiey behind a duck about to grab it. I lie back down and set my weapons down and just watch him to attempt to catch a duck.

He realizes me watching him and comes over to my tent.

"Hey Alex" he says.

I stand up in a girly shirt and sweatpants. He laughs at my ragged princess shirt from when I was little.

"Still like princesses little girl?" He snickers

"Haha very funny" I say tiredly.

"Gonna sleep again?"

"Probably, I dont plan on changing till the sun is up"

"M'kay im going to get some coffee from the shop just outside of camp ok?"

"Okay. You know what I like?"


"Starbucks vanilla bean blend with 3 sweetener and mocha pepermint creamer."

"Gotchya. Night sleepy head" He says

"See ya in 4 hours" I say back

He shuts the tent and I lay back down. I pull my blanket over my head and can still hear his footsteps as he heads to the golf kart. I hear it start up and drive away.

It takes about 30 minutes to get there and back and probably 5 minutes to get the stuff.

When he pulls back into camp I hear the golf kart stop and him get out of it. He walks to the kitchen across the street.


I got back to camp with two hot coffee mugs in my hands and a bag of breakfast on my arm. I walk across the street to the camp kitchen.

When I get inside I walk over to the T.V and turn it on. I then change it to Gravity Falls and walk over to the microwave.

I put the coffee mugs with coffee into the microwave to keep them warm. I take the cooking supplies out of the bag and put them in the fridge, I'll start cooking once they get up.

I walk into the living room with my coffee in my hand and sit down to watch my favorite show, Gravity Falls. I sip on my coffee and eat a package of little bites.

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