D:what are you doing

Me:what the hell were YOU doing

D:Keyah, you don't get it

Me:Deedra this isn't just a decision you make alone, what about Mendeecee-

D:he isn't the one carry this thing for 9 months!

   she sighed and went into the kitchen as Mendeecee came downstairs

"hey babe" he said peaking my lips

"hows my baby" he kissed my stomach

I could hear D'keyah laughing because of what he said.

    we had no plans today. Mendeecee invited his friend Jay and his kids over with his wife.  I hated people I didn't know around me and my twin. when they got in the house the kids were already running around. His girl Brenda was really pretty and was young as fuck to have 3 kids. we greeted eachother and left the boys to watch their game. D'keyah stayed with the boys to watch basketball. I wanted to talk to Brenda and get to know more about this parenting stuff.

    "how do you do it?" I asked grabbing her 5 year old daughter Gabby. Her 3 year old tripped over the 1 year old that was crawling on the floor. Brenda picked him up

   B:girl it wasn't easy. but Jay's really supportive

Me:if you don't mind me asking but how old are you

B:20, had gabby when I was 15 Jay took care of me ever since then, it was difficult having 3 big heads coming out of my pussy

  we laughed "im pregnant myself, first one" I said

B:oh wow, your waist is mad small

Me:yea, im an athlete, atleast I was before I got myself in the situation" I sniffled

    B:I know how you feel, I was on the verge of commiting suicide. I was bullied in high school. Jay wanted to have a kid, but after that child pops out of ya, you fall in love.

   she lifted up her shirt and showed me her stretch marks caused by the pregnancy. that shit was crazy. it was disgusting and they never go away. I snipped a mirror selfie with my iPhone 5 to remember what my belly once looked liked before my baby bump starts to develop.

   " I don't want to have this baby Brenda, how do I make it go away" a tear fell from my eyes

she sent her kids downstairs to there dad and closed the door. she sat me down and looked into my watery eyes *what was she doing*

     B:go have an abortion baby

Me:I know but-but Mendeecee really wants this kid. I don't want him to think Im purposely trying to take it away.

   B:then it should go away on accident" she said smiling

I looked at her weird. she took a pen and paper and starting wrighting things down for me.

      2 month later

. D'keyah went to the grocery store with Mendeecee. I went into the glass cabinet and took out one of Mendeecees Liquor. I grabbed a glass and poured some in. I added this powder that Brenda gave me a few months ago. this pregnancy was stressing me out. My face would break out and my cravings were heavy. my bump was getting a little bigger.  After 9 glasses of Liquor and all the crying, I started getting dizzy. I nearly was able to get upstairs. when Mendeecee came home I was laying on his bed butt naked. he gave me a look then took off his clothes. he climb on the bed and went under the covers. I held up his chin and connected his lips with mine. opening my mouth I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth. I disconnected our lips and went downstairs for a minute.  everything was a blur walking down the stairs I held the handle but my hand missed the bar ************

D'keyah P.O.V

      I heard a noise. trembling down the stairs. I left the room to see that..it was Deedra. I wanted to laugh but then I realized she was pregnant and not getting up

"Deedra!" I ran to her on the floor

"Ke-my belly" she could barley say. her breath stunk! I could barely open my eyes. It smelt like she was drinking. her eyes closed slowly and she wasn't waking up

"MENDEECEE!" I screamed

he came barging out of his room

"she fell, I-I think shes been drinking" I cried

he picked her up and headed for the door. I grabbed the keys and we left.

  we got into Mendeecees BMW the song 'forever young' was playing on the radio, when I looked back at Deedra in the back seat

"is she gonne be okay?" I asked mendeecee crying

he glared at me then continued driving holding my hand..


   What do yall think Brenda wrote on that paper to Deedra,

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