Let it go

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Let it go
Let go of it...
Its stupid thinking of him yet again
You know T'was o'er long back
Why resurface the pain?

C'mon its all over,
get over him right away.
Thinking will do no good,
But spoil your mood that's always so happy n gay.

Let it go...
Let go of those memories,
Those thoughts that visit at least once everyday,
He's moved on.. Then why can't you?
Do it right away

You aren't worth each other,
No blames I make it clear.
Just that it's the reality.
Not every pair is perfect I know,
You'll find someone soon,
That day's in proximity.

Love yourself little girl,
For your heart is full of affection.
You may not be perfect...n Nobody is,
You are love's real definition.

Your life is wonderful with mysteries filled,
Rejoice each day to the fullest.
Their lies the key to a joyous journey,
That's the way to success.

Happiness will you find on every path you choose,
Chosen with trust, hope and curiosity.
These exactly are your strengths my girl,
That will bring out your life's inner beauty.

Sing, laugh and work hard,
Leave unto the Lord the rest.
For I know with all your zeal and passion,
You'll alwayswin the best!!!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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