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April 12th

It all started with,


Such a common word. Three little letters and you can make a 'normal' person become akward. What is normal regarding such a word? Waiting for the right time, perferbably after marriage. A word used to describe a way of reproducing and bringing little ones into this word. Ah children. So, naiive and unaware of why adults go crazy over such a little word. Little do children know, we as a people are consumed with the powerful thought of a word.

Some more than others.

I, of course being that of others. Of course I don't see sex as just three little letters if you will, more of a lifestyle. Then again who besides prostitutes, and they're late night visitors would consider sex as a lifestyle? Unfortunately me. Little old me. Old be figurative of course and let's just say I'm old enough to know and young enough not to say 'no'.

I'm sure you're wondering why my story is any different? A teenage girl of 19 that thinks about sex. Not a big shocker, if only you knew about the "Ting."

It started when I was younger not knowing of such a adult thing to do, parents any child could wish for. A family that loved and wanted all the right things for me in my life. I was a normal child even though some would disagree but it started out pretty normal; sugar, spice, and none other than being nice. Where did it go wrong?

Tommy Anderson.

Such a nice boy, young sweet and my best friend. We were going to be married and raise a family with 10 kids and 2 dogs. How could anything go wrong? Cliche right? There's bound to have solmething go wrong, that never happens in real life why would mine be any different? Well it wasn't. A few years go by and Tommy and I grew quite fond of each other. Hide-n-seek and playgrounds a thing of the past. I caught glimpse of the unravelling world of sex.


There it was, the first of many and yet I had no idea what it was. A strange feeling between, none other than my legs. I had never felt like this. I was empty. Not complete, and yet I knew what to do to fill this void and the one person I needed to talk to.. Tommy.


What?! Shocked yet. Well don't be it just begun. You should be suprised it was me to go to Tommy. You should be appalled what I asked him to do, or maybe you should be down right disgusted that I enjoyed it.Yet, no one is upset with Tommy for agreeing. Oh, that's right. I'm a girl. A prissy Princess, the other way around doesn't seem so good does it. God society had a messed up way of working into peoples brains of what was 'Right' well guess what society? You don't have to like me. Aria Bay Compton. Go ahead laugh people usually do. Didn't get it? Hmm not the first time, it takes some time to get the dark humor. Let me spell it out. Ladies and Gentleman, my name is Aria Bay Compton also know as A.B.C. and I'm as easy as 1.2.3. Love that Irony. This is my thoughts wheather you like em or not as a nymphomaniac.


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